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Jun 23rd 2020
1/ This week we spotlight Dr Katie Hampson (@hampson_katie): lead investigator, aka the boss, of @rabidbites research! Katie is a brilliant researcher and inspirational to the team. She's far too modest to list her achievements so we're gonna do it for her...
2/ Katie is a research scientist at the University of Glasgow, UK. She completed her PhD at Princeton University, USA, before returning to the UK on a @wellcometrust fellowship, where she continues to be funded by Wellcome.…
3/ Her research interests lie broadly in the ecology of infectious disease but she has dedicated much of her career to a largely neglected one: #rabies.
Read 13 tweets
Mar 8th 2019
I do want to give a very sincere thank you to @ApplePodcasts for prominently featuring The Double Shift in the "Inspiring Women" monthlong feature in the US, Canada & Australia. We are an indie show with a tiny team run by women & mothers. This visibility is so important to us
We are funded by grants and we have no budget for paid marketing campaigns, in the current land of mega funded, VC backed shows. Thanks for championing our work. It makes a difference. cc @amywestervelt @Sarazonah
how can i not be so thrilled to be included with these amazing shows!! #InspiringWomen Image
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Jul 11th 2018
She was an international blues/jazz/cabaret singer in the 20s and 30s ... then had a career renaissance in the 70s-80s.

Who was Alberta Hunter (1895-1984)?

Have a listen (Mike Douglas show, 1977)…
Nobody Knows You When You're Down Out
Alberta Hunter…

Darktown Strutters Ball
Alberta Hunter…

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