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May 21st 2022
The space where institutions don’t own any shares, or own insignificant part of the equity maybe the GoTo place for new ideas.

If you can find five to seven good companies in the next two years and buy enough of them, you are going to remember this phase all your life.

Why should you not look at companies with heavily institutionalised ownership? Simple. Institutions will be forced to change their portfolios in tthe next two years. They will be forced to sell down their weaker, non performing stock holdings and buy newer stock ideas. 2/5
By not buying stocks which are heavily institutionally owned, you will avoid facing the brutal selling and seeing your portfolio value go down very badly. This risk is real in illiquid stocks especially in #smallcap and #midcap space. Escape the drawdown and steer to safety. 3/5
Read 5 tweets
Aug 11th 2021
Documentary films based on Indian Artists and Indian Music...

A thread..
The life journey of #JagjitSingh who broke through the norms and revolutionised the Ghazal scenario.

#KaagazKiKashti (2017) by @brahmanandsingh.

Streaming on @PrimeVideoIN.

Buy/Rent :

@jabeenmerchant @MobiusFilmsIn
Read 62 tweets
Mar 21st 2020
Retweet it so that people understand importance of #JantaCurfew and take it seriously.
#corona took @BeingSalmanKhan dialogue of #jaiho very seriously and we need to break this chain by taking #JantaCurfew challenge.
Meanwhile #corona to all
@Abhishekkar_ Image
Read 3 tweets

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