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Jan 13th 2023
Considered one of the classic romantic comedies of all time in #Bollywood history, #Padosan starred a series of stars.

#HindiCinema #IndianActors #Legendary #History
For the first movie of his own production, Mehmood wanted #KishoreKumar to play the role of one of the leads, Vidyapati. However, Kishore was not interested in acting and only wanted to sing.
#Mehmood followed him for one month and was convinced after spending a whole night in front of Kishore's house asking him to do the role.

Later while filming the #MeriBindoo song, the choreographer was not present. So Kishore Kumar stepped in and briefed the cast on the lyrics.
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Aug 11th 2021
Documentary films based on Indian Artists and Indian Music...

A thread..
The life journey of #JagjitSingh who broke through the norms and revolutionised the Ghazal scenario.

#KaagazKiKashti (2017) by @brahmanandsingh.

Streaming on @PrimeVideoIN.

Buy/Rent :

@jabeenmerchant @MobiusFilmsIn
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Jun 19th 2021
Inspired by the recent posts of @FHF_Official, a thread (with video links) on some of the early sci-fi and fantasy/adventure Indian films..
Captain Anand and his assistant set out on a journey to the moon. However, when they reach there, its inhabitants capture and arrest them.

#TripToMoon / #ChandParChadayee (1967) by #TPSundaram, ft. #DaraSingh #AnwarHussain #Bhagwan #PadmaKhanna.

Mr.Superman lives a dual life, uses his superpowers to assist the police, but becomes a suspect himself when impostors implicate him in a crime wave.

#ReturnOfMrSuperman (1960) by #ManmohanSabir, ft. #PaidiJairaj
#SheilaRamani #Shammi #Helen
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Mar 30th 2020
We lost #AnandBakshi on this day in 2002. His songs are often overlooked by classicists as they seemed to lack the so-called finesse others laid great stress upon. Bakshi sahab’s brilliance lay in his simplicity that could convey the greatest of life’s truths in a song literally.
Bakshi sahab witnessed the Partition, joined the Navy and also served in the Army. He moved to Bombay twice and finally settled in the city in 1956. He found great success in the mid-1960s with films such as ‘Himalay Ki God Mein’ and 'Jab Jab Phool Khile'
It's legendary that few understood a situation as well as #AnandBakshi. He could spin magic in a couple of ‘antaras’ like the story-song ‘Ek tha Gul’ in ‘Jab Jab Phool Khile.’

He'd also give several stanzas and ask the composer to pick what worked best.

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