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Mar 6th 2023
1.- #Bowfinger is a #comedy on #Hollywood, #loBudget escapism and the #filmmakingindustry. It's somehow reminiscent of #TimBurton´s #IconicClassic #EdWood but stylistically adapted to suit a wider audience and in that sense is superbly written and delivered by @SteveMartinToGo #Bowfinger French distribut...
2.- Add to that If you want or need some lazy motivation before deciding to watch the Starred cast flawlessly led by #SteveMartin, #EddieMurphy, @terence_stamp, @RobertDowneyJr,@imheathergraham,@ChrisBaranski among many other less known names but not less important acts.
3. Direction is on charge of #British comedy #craftman, #Muppet master legend, #JimHenson´s righthander and solid deliverer @TheFrankOzJam with #MustWatch titles like #DeathAtAFuneral, #TheStepfordWives, #TheScore, 1986 #LittleShopofHorrors, #TheDarkCrystal among others gems.
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