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Mar 6th 2023
1.- #Bowfinger is a #comedy on #Hollywood, #loBudget escapism and the #filmmakingindustry. It's somehow reminiscent of #TimBurton´s #IconicClassic #EdWood but stylistically adapted to suit a wider audience and in that sense is superbly written and delivered by @SteveMartinToGo #Bowfinger French distribut...
2.- Add to that If you want or need some lazy motivation before deciding to watch the Starred cast flawlessly led by #SteveMartin, #EddieMurphy, @terence_stamp, @RobertDowneyJr,@imheathergraham,@ChrisBaranski among many other less known names but not less important acts.
3. Direction is on charge of #British comedy #craftman, #Muppet master legend, #JimHenson´s righthander and solid deliverer @TheFrankOzJam with #MustWatch titles like #DeathAtAFuneral, #TheStepfordWives, #TheScore, 1986 #LittleShopofHorrors, #TheDarkCrystal among others gems.
Read 16 tweets
Dec 4th 2022
#IndianaJones solo hay uno y a ti te encontré en la calle. Tras el impacto del tráiler de #IndianaJonesAndTheDialOfDestiny vuelvo al videoclub para recordar todas las copias de Indy que salieron en los años 80. Acompañadme en este viaje nostálgico y aventurero. Abro hilo 👇 Image
Primero toca hablar de la copia que tuvo más éxito pero que a mí me parece menos interesante. Eso sí, no negaré la calidad del díptico formado por #TrasElCorazónVerde y su secuela #LaJoyaDelNilo. ImageImage
La mítica #Cannon vio un filón en esto de las copias de #IndianaJones. Empezó a sacar réditos al asunto con #LasMinasDelReySalomón y su secuela #AllanQuatermainYLaCiudadPerdidaDelOro. ImageImage
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Nov 24th 2021
Anton Furst was a cinematic visionary.

Thirty years ago today, the production designer tragically took his own life at the age of 47.

He’s one of my greatest influences, so I thought I’d write a brief history about him alongside some photos, drawings, and interview excerpts. Image
His production design for Tim Burton's Gotham City made an early and indelible impact on me.

"It was as if hell had erupted through the pavements and kept growing."
– Anton Furst Image
As a 10-year-old sitting in a suburban cinema, #Batman89 was my first introduction to the dark beauty of gothic, futurist, and brutalist architecture. Gotham was scarier than the Joker, more mysterious than Bruce Wayne, and more beguiling than Vicki Vale. I wanted to live there. Image
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