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The smoke of this sorrowful grove is long
like the stature of my map.
Our ridges and mountains,
their rivers of tears are long,
longer than the Tigris & the Euphrates.
The sobbing of the plant’s leave is long
streatching as far as the eye of my open wound can see.

The cries of this body's streets & alleys are long,
long as the path to god.
The pain of my alphabet is long,
it begins from here all the way to Khani*.
My alienation is long, long, long
longer than the railways of Europe

*Khani (1650-1707) a giant of classical Kurdish poetry
I do not know what I can tell you
I do not know what
I do not know
I do not.

[An excerpt from the ode, 'The Butterfly Ravine' by the great Kurdish poet, #Sherko_Bekas, 1940-2013]

Read 4 tweets
In #Sanandaj, der Hauptstadt der iranischen Kurd*innen, setzen die Revolutionsgarden (IRGC) gerade schwere Waffen gegen Protestierende ein. Dort wird seit Wochen demonstriert. Laut Berichten ähnelt die Stadt einem Kriegsgebiet. #IranRevolution #MahsaAmini

Die Proteste gegen die Islamische Republik sind in #Sanandaj ungebrochen. Mutige Kurd*innen skandieren dort weiterhin „Jin - Jian - Azadi“, die Losung dieser #IranRevolution. Davon zeugt ein beeindruckendes Video von gestern. #JinaAmini #MahsaAmini

Leider ist aber auch das gerade Realität in #Sanandaj: Mit (Kriegs-)Waffen gehen Polizei und Revolutionsgarden gegen Proteste vor. Hier wird wahllos in eine Nachbarschaft geschossen. Das ist Terror gegen die eigene Bevölkerung. #IranRevolution #MahsaAmini
Read 8 tweets
I get so many msgs daily from ppl in Iran who stress the importance of keeping Iran in the spotlight & being their voice. Whether or not you share content on social media, engage with what is happening & talk to as many people about what you are learning.(1/5)
You never know what impact you can make on someone when you talk about something you care about (& I hope I can help you care about Iranians fighting for women! Life! Freedom!). 💚🤍❤️‍🔥
CALL 2 ACTION! Call your reps! Tell them to: (2/5)
1) have govt individually sanction heads of Iranian govt & security apparatus 2) expel ALL IR politicians from ALL intl orgs, since NONE of them represent Iran (hey @UN_Women -get the IR murderers off the UN Commission on the Status of Women! Call UN: +1 646-781-4400)
Read 5 tweets
I've been wearing hijab for 17yrs. Islam is my moral compass & one of the central most part of my identity.
I’m also Iranian & understand the difference between burning symbols of the state it has co-opted (like a headscarf that is mandated) vs an assault on Islam 1/
2/ Dangerously framing this as assault on Islam would alienate millions of Iranian Muslims in Iran & around the world. This is KEY right now because the Iranian gov is also trying to polarize the mvmt to divide protestors & allies (that are LED BY MUSLIM and non-Muslim women)
Having spent considerable time in protests/riots here in the United States over the years, I want to share a few things based on a lot of the comments/DMs/in my feed I’m seeing as we watch the protests in Iran unfold:

#MahsaAmini #JinaAmini
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CN Femizid / Islamismus

Lasst uns unsere Solidarität mit den Protesten gegen die Unterdrückung durch das iranische Patriarchat an Frauen, LGBTIQA* Personen und anderen zeigen!

+++ Liste der Proteste in D +++

#JinJiyanAzadî #JinaAmini #Feminismus
CN Femizid / Islamismus / Folter

+++ Liste der Proteste in D +++

Frankfurt am Main
18 Uhr
Liebfrauenberg / ni una menos-Platz
#JinJiyanAzadî #JinaAmini #Feminismus

Bibesch: Daten d Kundgebung, Infos zum Mord & Organisator*innen der Kundgebung
CN Femizid / Islamismus / Folter

+++ Liste der Proteste in D +++

14 Uhr
Europagalerie Saarbrücken

#JinJiyanAzadî #JinaAmini #Feminismus

Bibesch: Daten der Kundgebung, Infos zum Mord und Solidaritätsbekundung

Read 13 tweets

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