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Aug 25th 2020

After Adv. Prashant Bhushan filed a supplementary statement before the Supreme Court reiterating his position not to tender an apology over his tweets, the #SupremeCourt will today consider the effect of this statement.

Bhushan's statement filed yesterday says, "an insincere apology would amount to the contempt of my conscience"

#SupremeCourt #contemptofcourt
Supreme Court had given Bhushan time till August 24 to tender an unconditional apology, if he so desired.

SC had hinted at adopting a lenient position towards Bhushan in case he reconsidered his statements/tweets.

Read 87 tweets
Aug 18th 2020

#SupremeCourt to shortly begin its hearing in case concerning payment of AGR dues by telecom companies.

The Court is currently hearing telecos undergoing IBC proceedings on the larger question of whether Spectrum can be sold under IBC proceedings.
Hearing commences!

#AGR #AGRhearing #JusticeMishra
Senior Counsel Harish Salve first to make submissions. There is a potential area of difference between DOT and lenders

#AGR #AGRhearing #JusticeMishra
Read 31 tweets

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