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May 7th 2020
1. It's not a common occurrence when a legal issue I've been wrestling with for months is the subject of a 9-0 #SCOTUS decision. The Kelly-Baroni #Bridgegate case was one of these rare events.

I study and expose propaganda.
2. I believe that @FoxNews, @foxandfriends and the entire @rupertmurdoch operation is an enemy propaganda front organization. They lie to the public daily on objectively provable facts. The key that is in the Kelly case is, to sustain my RICO to bring down the @FoxNews cabal we
3. need to prove that Murdoch does it for money. That he directs his news media people to lie on the air for the purpose of increasing his profit. I believe that there will be #whistleblowers in the Fox News system who have the proof that the ratings drive Murdoch to commit wire
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