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Jun 4th 2023
Quindi il Texas non vieta l'assistenza sanitaria
Vieta che ci si trastulli (e si sperimenti) con lo sviluppo puberale dei bambini
Ricordo che nei maschi la pubertà inizia a 11-12 anni, nelle femmine a 8-13 anni
Se precoce, ancora prima
È l'età dei repentini cambiamenti
psico-emotivi, delle "ribellioni" del "contro-corrente" Nulla è stabile, in questo periodo.
Assumere che le ordinarie e tipiche "crisi di identità", siano sintomo di "disforia sessuale" e bloccare lo sviluppo per la transizione è criminale
2/ ->
Voglio ricordare a me stesso che questa generazione è la prima cui vengono somministrati questi farmaci bloccanti dello sviluppo
Terapie così invasive non sono mai state sperimentate, quindi non è neppure noto quali siano gli effetti a lungo termine
Trastullarsi con il naturale->
Read 6 tweets
Jun 2nd 2023
✡️👁🔥🧿🪄🔮🪬 - Ocultismo

Matando b3bês 🩸

#SaveOurChildren #LeaveOurKidsAlone
@ezdubs_bot English Portuguese
Read 4 tweets
Mar 17th 2022
There was no risk from the virus but the vaccine is causing multiple damages. Parents have to unite and say no to schools and authorities else the madness will not stop. #leaveourkidsalone
@Swamy39 @mansukhmandviya Image
Are we going to normalise heart attacks in kids and attribute the same to exam stress? @PMOIndia @MoHFW_INDIA @pbhushan1 @Swamy39 @mansukhmandviya
Stop this vaccination drive immediately! ImageImage
Read 12 tweets
Sep 21st 2021
QUESTION 1: Why lay off 10s of thousands of care home staff when the sector is in crisis & then say NHS staff are next?

@ONS & @UniofOxford data shows 94% of adults (16yrs+) have antibodies & fatality rate is now 0.096%, comparable with flu…
QUESTION 2: GOV printed 100s £bn's to prop up the economy, why would it let 1 or 2 businesses supplying critical infrastructure, close when it will fuel a food supply crisis?

This will add to existing pressures & would cost peanuts for GOV to step-in…
QUESTION 3: Why is GOV desperate to introduce vax passes, despite evidence they only achieve division/social unrest?

Cornwall Boardmasters & Wales Green Man festivals were jab & test outdoor events & yet both were so called super-spreader events (cases)…
Read 12 tweets
Aug 31st 2021
Finally at 25k, this has taken over 3 weeks. If it takes another 9 weeks to get to 100k 💉 in schools could be well underway. I have seen several articles saying parental consent may not be required… #leaveourkidsalone #NoVaccinePassports #gillickcompetence
How can we share this with a wider audience? It is clear from comments on newspaper articles that lots of parents have the same concerns as us. Where is the risk benefit analysis? Just look at the justification given to roll it out to 17 year olds.
Who can help me share this in a more effective way than I have been doing?
Read 8 tweets

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