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Aug 31st 2020

1. Aidan was a native of Ireland, (then called Scotland) and a monk of Hij, the monastery which St Columba had founded. He was received by king Oswald, who bestowed on him the isle of Lindisfarne.
of #Lindisfarne #Aug31 Image
2. Of his humility and piety Bede gives an edifying account, and proposes him as an excellent pattern for succeeding bishops and clergymen to follow.

He obliged all who travelled with him either to read the scriptures, or in learning the psalms by heart. #Psalms #Bible #StBede
3. By his actions he showed that he neither sought nor loved the good things of this world.

Bede admires his apostolic liberty in reproving the proud and the great, his love of peace, charity, continence, humility, and all other virtues.
Read 5 tweets
Oct 21st 2019
Remember: no Church Father ever thought that John 1:1-18 were the Prologue of John’s Gospel.

Pass it on.
Sinaiticus has ekthesis at 1:6 and 1:26, but not at 1:19.
Alexandrinus has big letters with ekthesis at 1:1, 6, 9, 14, 15, 16, 18, but not 1:19 (though that does begin the top of a column).
Read 28 tweets

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