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Dec 7th 2020

🗣Family, let's discuss how our lineage is being used as clickbait, and how this must be shut down to avoid confusion, coopting, and misinformation.

#ADOS Image
Entities and individuals of #ADOS lineage have become entitled to using our hashtag or title for their agenda while undermining the movement.

The ADOS movement is tied to our lineage through a reparations claim.

But there is a two-fold foundation of the #ADOS movement. 👇 Image
🗣Let me emphasize this again.

The foundation of the #ADOS movement is two-fold: 👉reparations and a black agenda.

Do not let individuals or entities get away with recklessly using #ADOS lineage as a gateway to undermine the movement.

#ADOS Image
Read 9 tweets

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