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Dec 27th 2020
Sign that country is developing on paper but is actually underdeveloped
Objectionable Advertisement Act prohibit ads 4 purposes, of remedies alleged 2 possess magic qualities
@HaealOnline wer is evidence that this prevents WHAT?
@shailajateacher @IMAIndiaOrg Image
#Curcumin, #Ashwaganda combo prevents NOTHING, effects on human health remain UNKNOWN. This public display of #quackery, #pseudoscience is insult to #science, complete disregard to #publichealth This has to be challenged, removed
@RajeevJayadevan @infoclinicindia @Charakan
Here is a paper showing multiple toxic curcuminoids & associated toxins in #Turmeric. How is this sourced, what R contaminants @HaealOnline product?
Ashwagandha is probable cause 4 liver injury #livertox from @NLM_NIH
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