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Jan 11th 2022
Long hair: A thread. I get a lot of comments on my hair, and while it's something I am known for, what's less known is that my long hair is important to me culturally, too, and the older I get, the more it matters. 120 years ago today, the "haircut order" was issued. More...👇🏽
January 11, 1902, The Commissioner of Indian Affairs William Atkinson took issue with Native people who continued to practice their traditions, among them, men wearing their hair long. So, he instructed superintendents of reservations to order men to cut their hair.
To ensure compliance, he suggested food be held back. There was public outcry that we should be forced to cut our hair or starve, and so a more "socially acceptable" path was suggested.
Read 6 tweets
Jul 29th 2020
I had long suspected that there were ways to game the system at #Flickr. In the back of my head, I questioned the huge number of likes some photographers got. Today I ran into a guy with an account whose photos were so bad...

1/ would have been surprising if he had one or two faves. Think washed out, bad composition, etc. He averaged more than a hundred likes per photo. This threw me for a loop and for awhile I felt like Job with all the people giving me advice...
...about how I should learn from this sociopath. One friend did some research for me and discovered that there are ways to buy faves, bots that will like your stuff. I will study it more so I can tell you how it works, but for now I shall be stupid...
Read 16 tweets

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