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Jan 6th 2023
🇲🇽🔥 #Mexico: Confirmed 10 mexican military dead and 35 injured.19 cartel sicarios dead, by army chief Luis Sandoval.

Real numbers could be way much higher.
🔞🇲🇽 Official data on those killed during the confrontation between #Mexican government forces and Los Chapitos do not inspire confidence.

According to some sources, the corpses of #LosChapitos militants were filmed in the Sinaloa morgue #cartels #Mexico
#Mexico 🇲🇽: Members of the #Sinaloa Cartel recorded a new video during their watch in #Culiacán.

The cartel members in the video are seemingly armed with two uncommon FN SCAR 20S rifles —which are very likely sourced from civilian markets in #USA 🇺🇸.
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