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Sep 3rd 2020
. @WashTimes #VIP2020

@PILFoundation said #Nevada’s Clark County opted for actual ballots, not applications, to all listed voters in the state’s June primary.

. @WashTimes #VIP2020

Las Vegas-centric Clark County, #Nevada’s largest, mailed 1.3 million ballots; @USPS determined 223,469 were undeliverable. Voters filled out and returned 305,008.

. @WashTimes #VIP2020

“These numbers show how vote by mail fails,” said @PILFoundation President J. Christian Adams @ElectionLawCtr.

#MailFail #ElectionIntegrity
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Aug 27th 2020
. @CNBC #VIP2020

The largest change is seen among Democrats, who are the group most likely to say they will cast ballots by mail.

#MailFail #2020Election #TwitterElections
. @CNBC #VIP2020

Fewer voters both nationally and in six swing states said they plan to vote by mail than did two weeks ago, according to new CNBC/Change Research polls.

#MailFail #2020Election #TwitterElections
. @CNBC #VIP2020

The shift comes amid concerns that changes at the
@USPS will hinder the ability to count mail-in ballots as in-person voting poses risks during the #coronavirus pandemic.

#MailFail #2020Election #TwitterElections
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