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.@IngrahamAngle .@VDHanson

Watch .@PILFoundation's J. Christian Adams .@ElectionLawCtr on the Ingraham Angle:

#ElectionIntegrity - the process - has never been high on the list of Republican Senate priorities.

.@PILFoundation's J. Christian Adams .@ElectionLawCtr on the .@IngrahamAngle:

[#ElectionManipulation] has always been high on the list of Democratic party priorities. That is why you saw HR1, which would make everything you saw in this election legal.
@PILFoundation's J. Christian Adams .@ElectionLawCtr on the .@IngrahamAngle:

This has just been a priority of the left. It has not been a priority of Republicans.

#MailBallots #DeadVoters #DoubleVoters #ElectionManipulation
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.@FreeBeacon #VIP2020

.@PILFoundation, an #Indiana-based #ElectionIntegrity group, conducted a nationwide study to identify the hundreds of thousands of deceased individuals on voter rolls.

.@FreeBeacon #VIP2020

During its analysis, @PILFoundation also found that nearly 40,000 likely duplicate registrants "appear to have cast second votes in 2018 from the same address."

.@FreeBeacon #VIP2020

#NewYork, #Texas, #Michigan, #Florida, and #California—accounted for 51 percent of the total number of deceased individuals on voter rolls, according to @PILFoundation.

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.@PJMedia_com #VIP2020 .@PILFoundation

Based on these numbers, the fewer changes made to our election process, the better at this point. And if you want to make sure your vote counts, vote in person.

#DeadVoters @ScotsFyre
.@PJMedia_com #VIP2020 .@PILFoundation

One of the most significant risks is inaccurate voter rolls. @PILFoundation conducted a nationwide study and identified 349,773 deceased people on the voter rolls.

@PJMedia_com #VIP2020 . @PILFoundation

This problem is only one category of inaccuracy that can lead to fraud in the Democrats’ preferred process. They also found #DuplicateVotes cast in both 2016 and 2018.

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. @EpochTimes #VIP2020

Nearly 350,000 #DeadRegistrants remain on voter rolls across 41 states, according to an audit conducted by the @PILFoundation.

. @EpochTimes #VIP2020

The number is a major improvement over the last time an assessment of similar scope was performed in 2012, when a Pew Research report turned up 2 million deceased voters on the rolls.

@EpochTimes #VIP2020 . @realDonaldTrump

In the 2016 and 2018 elections, states credited 14,608 registrants for voting after death, the @PILFoundation report found.

#DeadVoters #BigData @IvanPentchoukov
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. @PILFoundation #VIP2020

Critical Condition: American #VoterRolls Filled with Errors, #DeadVoters, and #DuplicateRegistrations

. @PILFoundation #VIP2020 #DeadVoters

An independent, nationwide analysis of voter rolls in 42 states has identified thousands of probable deceased and duplicate registrants, as well as cases of individuals credited for voting more than once.

@PILFoundation #VIP2020 #DeadVoters

PILF has launched the Safeguarding America’s Votes and Elections (SAVE) Database as an analysis tool to track voter roll deficiencies and potential problem areas across America.

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@FoxNews #VIP2020

J. Christian Adams @ElectionLawCtr, president and general counsel of the conservative election watchdog group @PILFoundation, joins Gerry Baker on @WSJatLarge.
No abuse of mail-in voting system? Is that right?

"Its dead wrong. First of all, we know that #VBM disenfranchises voters." @PILFoundation's J. Christian Adams @ElectionLawCtr.

Thank you supporters! Our work is made possible by you.
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. @WashTimes


@PILFoundation has filed two court briefs that assert that #DoubleVoting by the thousands happened in 2016-2018 in #Georgia and #NorthCarolina.

. @WashTimes


Anti-universal mail ballot activists say [#Georgia and #NorthCarolina] are a tip-off for what will happen in the Nov. 3 election.

#DoubleVoting #DeadVoters #NonCitizenVoters
. @WashTimes #VIP2020

Clark County #Nevada’s switched to mail-in ballots before its June primary. 225,000 of 1.3 million mailed ballots (17.3%) were undeliverable. 305,000 mail-in ballots (23.5%) were accepted and counted

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. @WashTimes #VIP2020

@PILFoundation said #Nevada’s Clark County opted for actual ballots, not applications, to all listed voters in the state’s June primary.

. @WashTimes #VIP2020

Las Vegas-centric Clark County, #Nevada’s largest, mailed 1.3 million ballots; @USPS determined 223,469 were undeliverable. Voters filled out and returned 305,008.

. @WashTimes #VIP2020

“These numbers show how vote by mail fails,” said @PILFoundation President J. Christian Adams @ElectionLawCtr.

#MailFail #ElectionIntegrity
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#Nevada . @reviewjournal

325,934 ballots [were mailed out] in Clark, 223,469 were returned as undeliverable. 58 percent of the undeliverable ballots belonged to inactive voters.

#Nevada . @reviewjournal

@PILFoundation communications director @LCChurchwell said the number of deceased people and undeliverable addresses on the active voter rolls shows a need for both the county and state to clean up their records.

#Nevada . @reviewjournal

“States are having to make this corrective swing, and the question is whether they have the manpower to do it,” @LCChurchwell said.

#DeadVoters #DoubleVoters #2020Election
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#Nevada . @hotairblog

So how did Nevada get it so wrong? Well… technically they didn’t. The problem is that nearly twenty percent of the people on the voter rolls no longer lived at the address that was listed on the rolls.

#Nevada . @hotairblog

As @PILFoundation pointed out, the reason that states such as #Oregon and #Washington do so well with mail-in voting is that they are “notably aggressive” in maintaining their voter lists.

#DeadVoters @LCChurchwell @JazzShaw
#Nevada . @hotairblog

Why were nearly one in five of Nevada’s addresses of record wrong? Well, people move. People die. People get married and their names change. There’s any number of factors.

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NEW Election Frontline Weekly:

“Our voter registration data research is making real differences inside local #ElectionOffices and federal mail balloting lawsuits."

#MailBallot #AbsenteeBallot #2020Election Image
NEW Election Frontline Weekly:

The federal court in #Georgia declared our work “timely and useful” in determining whether #MailBallot procedures should be changed according to leftist demands a few days ago. Image
NEW Election Frontline Weekly:

@PILFoundation J. Christian Adams @ElectionLawCtr

"This week, we sued #Illinois to crack open access to the state’s voter list maintenance records and lists for a top-down audit." Image
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“Defendants have taken action on the list of likely #DeceasedRegistrants provided by the plaintiff. Further, almost all of the #DuplicateRegistrations that Plaintiff brought to defendants’ attention have been corrected.”


The @PILFoundation, which filed its original suit in Detroit federal court in December, dropped it Tuesday after discovering Detroit Clerk Janice Winfrey and Elections Director George Azzouz had taken “remedial action.”


“This case wasn’t complicated,” @PILFoundation President J. Christian Adams said. “The city of Detroit could have started to fix these problems before litigation, but didn’t."

#DeadVoters #DoubleVoters @DNBethLeBlanc
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@PILFoundation researchers had said Detroit had nearly 4,800 voter registrations that were likely duplicates — 94 percent of which were proven to be #DuplicateRegistrations by officials that have been removed from the voter rolls.

@PILFoundation lawsuit alleged the city violated the NVRAct of 1993 for allegedly keeping #DeadVoters and #DuplicateVoters on the rolls--16,465 voter registrations that were missing actual dates of registration.
The lawsuit claimed Detroit has a citizen-voting age population that is 106 percent — indicating there are more than 30,000 registered voters than eligible citizens on the#VoterRolls.
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@PILFoundation President J. Christian Adams @ElectionLawCtr:

"#California has a history of demonstrating that automation in voting processes will cause errors."

#DeadVoters #DuplicateVoters #ElectionFraud
@PILFoundation President J. Christian Adams:

"Auto-mailings to active registrants won’t protect the state from sending ballots to dead and duplicated registrants."

#DeadVoters #DuplicateVoters #ElectionFraud
@PILFoundation President J. Christian Adams:

@PILFoundation researchers: there are 23,000 dead registered voters on the state’s #VoterRolls, [2,000 #DuplicateRegistrants] across state lines with apparent voter credits in the last election.

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. @realDonaldTrump

A task force of #ElectionIntegrity attorneys, researchers, and experienced #ElectionExperts published: Standards for Voting by Mail today: Four Core Measures Will Balance Integrity and Access

. @CletaMitchell

The Standards are intended to equip policymakers and election officials with specific standards and protocols for best practices to protect the integrity of the 2020 General Election, with the increasing demands for voting by mail.
. @johnfund

“The nation is under-prepared for the #2020Election if #MailBallot demand expectations are accurate,” @PILFoundation President and General Counsel J. Christian Adams @ElectionLawCtr said.
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@PILFoundation's J. Christian Adams @ElectionLawCtr

"Vote by mail might sound good, until you look at the data. The @EACgov keeps tabs. Their data show that 28 million ballots mailed since 2012 simply vanished. They were sent out, but never came back."
@PILFoundation's J. Christian Adams

"It gets worse. Hundreds of thousands came back but had defects that prevented them from being counted. The voters who sent these ballots [may] not even know that their ballot was not counted after they sent it back."
@PILFoundation's J. Christian Adams

"Making all of this worse are the hundreds of millions of dollars that leftist foundations dedicate to this process fight. There is money for media outlets to publish stories that voter fraud is a myth."

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. @newsmax

@PILFoundation's J. Christian Adams @ElectionLawCtr warns states that aren't careful are issuing "an open invitation to fraud."

Messy voter rolls make #ElectionFraud much easier, Adams says.
. @newsmax

"Number one are the sort of things we discovered in the [Justice Department]— of people voting the ballot for other people through undue influence. The second one — the #VoterRolls are a mess."

@PILFoundation J. Christian Adams
. @newsmax

J. Christian Adams @ElectionLawCtr

[@PILFoundation] has sued several states and counties for refusing to maintain accurate #VoterRolls, allowing the names of thousands of #DeadVoters, felons and #noncitizens to remain in the system.
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“When you start digging deep into #ElectionIntegrity issues, whether it’s fraud or incompetence, you keep landing in the same places — [in urban centers], where the Democratic Party is generally in control,” said @LCChurchwell @PILFoundation
. @WisconsinWatch

@PILFoundation says it is dedicated to #ElectionIntegrity and fights against what it calls “lawlessness in American elections.” @LCChurchwell, the group’s spokesman and research director.
. @WisconsinWatch

[A significant player] is the @PILFoundation, which has filed voter purge lawsuits in #Michigan, #Florida and #Pennsylvania.
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@PILFoundation President J. Christian Adams
@ElectionLawCtr is scheduled to testify before the House Judiciary Committee regarding voting rights protections in 2020.

Wednesday, June 3 at 10:00am Eastern

#ForeignNationalVoters #DeadVoters Image
@PILFoundation President J. Christian Adams
@ElectionLawCtr will testify on the topic of

“Protecting the Right to Vote During the COVID-19 Pandemic”

Wednesday, June 3 at 10:00am Eastern. This hearing will be accessible via Webex here:
“Vote by mail the wrong way to hold a federal election,” @PILFoundation's J. Christian Adams said in advance of the hearing. “We should not put the United States Postal Service in charge of the process of deciding the next President." June 3 10:00AM
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.@VickiMcKenna @newstalk1130

@ElectionLawCtr J. Christian Adams @PILFoundation - FBI Milwaukee Ignoring Voter Fraud Cases. BREAKING NEWS! FBI in Milwaukee sitting on and refusing to prosecute known cases on voter fraud in the last federal election.
.@VickiMcKenna @newstalk1130

They discuss the news Christian broke on the program, about the FBI in Milwaukee holding onto cases of known voter fraud, choosing not to prosecute them.

#VoterFraud #DeadVoters #DoubleVoters Image
.@VickiMcKenna @newstalk1130

@PILFoundation's @ElectionLawCtr J. Christian Adams and Vicki discuss the FBI in Milwaukee holding onto cases of known voter fraud, choosing not to prosecute them.
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.@ElectionLawCt J. Christian Adams, @PILFoundation president, said the county deserves credit.

"We found those problems, and the County agreed to fix them," Adams said.

"This settlement demonstrates what can be accomplished when good government groups work with #ElectionOfficials in good faith without the interference of ideologically driven activists who oppose such measures."

"Those same activists push radical changes to vote by mail, which shows how important this settlement was for a clean election in Pennsylvania."

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.@lkd5210 At issue are wildly inaccurate voter rolls, which have the potential to alter the presidential election in November. To further public understanding [we] publish this article, an interview with J. Christian Adams,
@PILFoundation @ElectionLawCtr Image
.@lkd5210 Well, vote by mail is the most vulnerable form of election – that’s undeniable. And both sides of the political spectrum have said so. J. Christian Adams,
@PILFoundation @ElectionLawCtr Image
"There’s no doubt that vote by mail is a vulnerable form of election, and for Nevada and Michigan to be doing vote by mail, they’re inviting problems," J. Christian Adams,
@PILFoundation @ElectionLawCtr Image
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NEW Election Frontline Weekly:
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The Foundation deployed more voter roll audit research to contextualize how important it is that #Virginia’s #MailBallot witness requirement remain in place despite the Left’s protests in court. Image
NEW Election Frontline Weekly:
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The Foundation continues to act with flexibility and speed as activist groups try to re-write mail voting rules before November 2020. #2020Election Image
NEW Election Frontline Weekly:
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@PILFoundation filed a tandem request with the @LandmarkLegal to file an amicus brief in the ongoing lawsuit to drop #Virginia’s requirement for witness signatures. Image
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Between 2012 and 2018, 28.3 million mail-in ballots remain unaccounted for, according to data from the federal @EACgov.

#DeadVoters #DoubleVoters #VoterFraud #ElectionFraud @Heminator
The missing ballots amount to nearly one in five of all #AbsenteeBallots and ballots mailed to voters residing in states that do elections exclusively by mail. #DeadVoters #DoubleVoters #VoterFraud #ElectionFraud @Heminator
States and local authorities simply have no idea what happened to these ballots since they were mailed – and the figure of 28 million #MissingBallots is likely even higher. @Heminator
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