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Nov 10th 2020
How to even start making sense of this? The weirdest scheme proposed by the FReSH/WBCSD food multinationals

"World" should eat less salt, but single continents can also have more?😬 And that's a lot #nuts btw! (up to 2400% increase for Latin America -😅)…
From the same document, a case study: Kellogg's fake meat burger. Claiming that plant-based is "better for people and planet" and that the main barrier is prejudice because people think it "will not taste as good" ???
Nah, reason why most don't want this stuff is probably because the ingredients look like this. I don't see a lot of "plants" here that could be "good for people & planet"? Any plants at all? Only extracts & additives.

And I doubt that this is a good basis for tasting like beef.
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