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Jan 28th 2020
1. Last night's #OntarioLine meeting at Ryerson was very crowded and I came away more than a bit disappointed in what I saw. It was my first time in that building, which is on the site of the old journalism school, where Jack Layton told me (almost 34 years ago to the day) ...
2. ... that the then-proposed Downtown Relief Line (part of Network 2011) made no sense because a) it would lead to more densification of downtown (something we got) and b) its trains would be packed from Day 1 (a theory we never got to test). #OntarioLine
3. It was discouraging that plans don't seem to have advanced on crucial technical issues since the sketchy IBC report #Metrolinx released last summer. For example, I wonder what Transport Canada will say about light vehicles running so close beside GO's trains. #OntarioLine
Read 10 tweets
Jun 5th 2019
NDP Leader @AndreaHorwath: London Health Sciences announced they will be cutting the equivalent of 165 full-time positions due to budget challenges. Can the Health Minister explain how eliminating 165 front-line health workers will help eliminate hallway medicine? #onpoli
Horwath: London hospital CEO: “It's been very tough to operate in this environment. To operate a business where expenses are inflationary and revenue is flat…” Hospital funding falling behind inflation a cause of hallway medicine under Liberals—a recipe for hallway medicine now.
Horwath: The Ford govt cuts:
✂️Cuts to public health.
✂️Cuts to ambulance services.
✂️Cuts to cancer screening.
And now eliminating frontline hospitals health staff.
If this is healthcare after one year of Ford govt we don’t want to see what the next three years will bring.
Read 7 tweets

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