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May 25th 2022
#bkdk #fluff #comedy #misunderstandings

Izuku was extremely nervous when he finally had the courage to ask Kacchan to be his boyfriend. When the blonde said yes, he was over the moon with happiness. Dating him was like a fever dream and he wanted to avoid ruining it at all costs
So, when he opened his locker to change back into his uniform, Deku was shocked to find a single green rose waiting for him. He frantically looked back forth to make sure his boyfriend was distracted, then he discreetly got rid of it. Who could have left him that?!
Did he have a secret admirer? Izuku was not about to let some Romeo get in between him and Kacchan! Hopefully the person sees him without the rose and gets the hint.

“Hey, nerd.” Katsuki slammed Izuku’s locker making him jump.

“Y-yes Kacchan?!” He stuttered.
Read 72 tweets
May 23rd 2018
Rick and Thomas have bought engagement rings and are hiding them in the house. They haven’t told each other anything. And keep moving the rings around and acting strange until we get #misunderstandings :(
Thomas keeps not letting Rick near him and seemingly wants him to leave the house.

T(irritated): Can’t you just go and take pictures somewhere in the town or lake?

Rick frowns and packs up his stuff.

R (exhales loudly): Ok. I get it.
Rick leaves but Thomas feels that something is wrong.
Read 33 tweets

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