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Most recents (2)

Jan 25th 2022
It's time topics such as data science, analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence are made a compulsory part of the higher secondary educational curriculum, everywhere; in addition to teaching regular CS Computer Science distinctly in labs.
Educationists and Educational Technologists must play their due roles in transforming pedantic environments.
Unfortunately, many nations have missed the boat, because they didn't introduce pedagogical cum didactic reforms at the right time.
Skill transfer is a must!
I see so many MBAs who still don't know how to use advanced XLS modelling techniques.
Most of them really suffer when they enter the workplace.
One of my students got sacked because he didn't know what #VLOOKUP or #Lookup #Excel functions are.
Read 9 tweets
May 3rd 2019
THREAD: This might possibly count as weirdest #OpenAccess publishing news ever, at least in the landscape of OA books in HSS. Mark Edington, former director of @acpress & @Lever_Press initiative is now an Episcopal bishop living in Paris?… @insidehighered
2/ @M_Publishing + @charleswatkinso: Has anyone been appointed to run @Lever_Press since Edington’s departure? And what is the progress toward releasing books? The website appears to be somewhat defunct? 60 titles were promised by 2021.… #BestPractices
3/ We ask because the @insidehighered article published today about the new OA history monograph initiative funded by @MellonFdn and steered by @uncpressblog mentions @Lever_Press as pushing the boundaries of what monographs can be in the present tense:…
Read 6 tweets

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