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Jun 10th 2023
1/7 🎙️ Exciting news from the tech world! Microsoft has launched a new 'voice chat' feature for its AI-powered Bing Chat on desktop. Now, you can talk to the AI chatbot just by clicking on the microphone icon in the Bing Chatbox. #Microsoft #AI #BingChat Image
2/7 🌍 The voice chat feature currently supports five languages: English, Japanese, French, German, and Mandarin. But don't worry if your language isn't on the list yet – Microsoft plans to add more languages soon. #MultilingualAI
3/7 🗣️ But that's not all! Bing Chat also supports text-to-speech answers. This means the AI chatbot will respond to your questions in its voice. Imagine having a conversation with an AI! #TextToSpeech #AIConversations
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