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Jan 7th 2022
#SupremeCourt to pronounce its order on EWS, OBC All India Quota reservation in NEET PG case, Today.

Justice Chandrachud dictating order- There is a challenge in the petition to the notification issued by the Director General of Health Services.
The notice takes effect from 2021-2022.

Read 8 tweets
Jan 7th 2022
#SupremeCourt to deliver order in petitions challenging 27% reservation for OBC and 10% reservation for Economically Weaker Section (EWS) introduced by Centre in All India Quota (AIQ) seats in State government medical institutions #NeetPGcounselling2021 @advocate_tanvi @indlawyer
Read details about the last hearing and what the #SupremeCourt observed #NeetPGcounselling2021…
Bench to pronounce orders shortly
#supremecourt #neetpg2021counselling
Read 13 tweets
Jan 6th 2022
The #SupremeCourt to continue hearing the matter of EWS and OBC reservation that has delayed NEET PG counselling.
#NEETPG #NEETcounselling #Reservation
Sr Adv Arvind Datar: Since time is short, should I just give bullet points?
SC: Yes
Datar: They formed a committee in 2006 that gave a report in 2010. I'll call it the Pandey report as Ajay Bhushan Pandey led it.
The Sino committee came to the conclusion after extensive study..
Datar: The commission consulted state govt and UTs, NGOs and social leaders. It contains exhaustive discussion of each and every party. For eg Tamil Nadu said we have 69% reservation we don't need economic one at all.
It's very detailed, they've gone state wise.
Read 119 tweets
Jan 5th 2022
#SupremeCourt to hear NEET EWS quota case, A bench led by Justice DY Chandrachud will decide on criterion of EWS quota for admissions which caps annual income at 8 lacs. #neetpg2021counselling #NEETPG #ResidentDoctors Image
The Central Government recently informed the Supreme Court that a threshold of Rs 8 lakhs of annual family income, in the current situation is reasonable for determining EWS.
SG Tushar Mehta- It is only because of your Lordships intervention that this exercise was undertaken, my affidavit was filed on 31 Dec 2021, at this stage whatever is relevant to assit, the central government had appointed a 3 member committee

Read 29 tweets
Jan 5th 2022
NEET PG Counselling

#SupremeCourt to hear the NEET EWS quota case today. Justice DY Chandrachud led bench is slated to hear Centre regarding feasibility of Rs 8 lakh limit for the EWS quota

#NeetPGcounselling2021 #EWS
The government has submitted a report which pleads the case for keeping the limit unchanged as most of the candidates who avail of the facility have a family of income Rs 5 lakh and below…
The two-judge bench is also expected to take a call on the NEET PG Counselling which is currently yet to start due to the pendency of these proceedings.

Resident doctors across the country have been protesting to start the counselling process.
Read 39 tweets

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