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Jun 7th 2021
Most undervalued sector in crypto with the greatest L2 potential? The Metaverse.

✨The Metaverse Index is 15 tokens in ONE✨

$MVI is a basket of tokens capturing the trend of NFTs, entertainment, sports, & business shifting to a virtual environment.

What's in the $MVI?

2/ $ENJ - @enjin - 16.2% of the $MVI

#Enjin allows game developers to tokenize in-game items on the #Ethereum blockchain. It uses $ENJ, an ERC-20 token, to back the digital assets issued using its platform, meaning that items can be bought, sold and traded with real-world value.
3/ $MANA - @decentraland - 14.9% of the $MVI

#Decentraland is a decentralized VR world. Where you can purchase land, build on it, monetize, and immerse into the applications and content that is built by other users. Land and in-game currency give users complete ownership.
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