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May 25th 2023
DeSantis: “The whole book ban thing is a hoax.”

Reality: "DeSantis is vastly playing down the extent to which individual school districts & libraries... have removed books... Florida ranks 2nd, as the state with the most bans, according to PEN America."…
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis says reports of book banning in Florida are a "hoax" and that only "pornographic and inappropriate" materials have been removed from Florida classrooms.

His claims are false. #BannedBooks #NotAHoax…
In the 2021-22 school year PEN America documented 565 books banned in Florida schools. Some were banned permanently, others temporarily pending investigations. The result is the same: Students can’t access books. You can see how we define a book ban here.…
Read 9 tweets
Mar 31st 2023
DeSantis called reports of book bans in #Florida “a hoax in service of trying to pollute and sexualize our children.”

Teachers in fear of felony charges carrying up to five years in prison and a $5,000 fine would beg to differ. #FreeTheBooks #Education…
“Jean Faulk, a 65-year-old world history teacher… had carefully curated her classroom library over the years, and the task of combing through several hundred volumes seemed insurmountable. So later that day she stripped her shelves… only dictionaries and encyclopedias remained”
“In Jacksonville, a third-grade teacher penned an op-ed describing how one of her students, an avid reader, had cried after learning he couldn’t access the classroom library.” #FreedomToRead #Florida
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Jun 28th 2020
Mike Pence Wants You to Pray the Coronavirus Away 😒 | via @VICE #PoltergeistPence #ScienceDenial #Cult45* #MAGAMasochism…
Trump has reportedly grown increasingly concerned about how it would appear if he contracted the coronavirus 🙄 | via @TheWeek #NoTearsInABucket #Bootstraps #SociopathRoulette #NotAHoax #NarcissistWhoCriedWolf 🤡👺📵…
30% of Americans say they trust Trump to get facts right on coronavirus — a lower mark than respondents gave the CDC (64%), their state governments (53%), local news (50%) and the news media in general (44%) | via @axios #DudeGottaGo #AmericanSociopath…
Read 22 tweets
Jun 27th 2020
Trump predicts Joe Biden will defeat him during Fox News interview: "Some people don’t love me" | via @Salon #ManyPeopleAreSaying #DudeGottaGo #AmericanSociopath #LoweredExpectations #ResignNow…
Pence following through with visit to Dallas church as pandemic rages | via @TexasTribune #VPVector #PoltergeistPence #Idiocracy 😷…
Trump's political position deteriorates as coronavirus spikes | via @dailykos #InstabilityInChief…
Read 14 tweets

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