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Jun 6th 2023

The whole "Civilized World" now shocked!

But is unable to learn the easiest lessons of history

Munich 1938

18. 8. 1941

Make your homework arrogant @CharlesMichel

đŸ§”1/3 Image

Not only, that the same step was taken 18.8.1941 but all in before is repeating again and again..



@EmmanuelMacron hopefully you immediately stop talking with Criminals!
@Bundeskanzler I demand the delivery of #Taurus NOW! Image

Evil was Evil, Will be Evil

it only understands one ANSWER

DISTINCTION! ImageImageImageImage
Read 5 tweets
Mar 20th 2023
Was treibt die Regierung an
biosafety grade 3
zoonotische Biohazards
zu verharmlosen & hoch prÀzise PrÀventiv-Tests zu verunglimpfen


kapiert niemand
den Zusammenhang #SARSCoV2 #monkeypox
mit PACS & MISC & LC
Wer hat was von diesem Irrsinn?!

Gerade eben 20.03.2023
Scheuch & aerzteblatt im Schwurbler Modus đŸ€Ź
Read 35 tweets
Feb 24th 2023
I dont feel those vice versa 😬
We have a common problem to chalange together as humans #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne
🔜 /last weeks strange tweets came out, more than ever before
🔞maybe I'm too sensitiveđŸ€Ș

Okay, why not clean air guerilla? 😉
What the heck motivates Kate to spew garbage like this? Which idiots would like breathe clean air? /2
Read 9 tweets
Jan 19th 2023
Zelensky refuses to negotiate with Putin because he is not sure that the Russian president is alive

#Ukraine #Ukrainewar #UkraineRussiaWar #Clown #Zelensky #Idiocracy
Read 3 tweets
Jan 19th 2023
@Eric_Schmitt New Zealand /1 M Pop. : 440 556 cases, 750 deaths.
USA /1M Pop. : 309 736 cases, 3 366 deaths.
Just shut up! You don't care about THE People = #Democracy!
Stupid selfish #Kleon, what you're calling "authoritarian and tyrant", it's take care of THE People.
@Eric_Schmitt Total cases in New Zealand.
Before Feb 2022 : with her politic.
After Feb 2022 : after international libertarians/corporatists/lobbyists lobbying (to KILL THE PEOPLE, sell vaccines & drugs)... Image
@Eric_Schmitt YOU are a the tyrant & authoritarian. Democracy is not to be naive!
When an elected politician take care of THE People, he/she is called authoritarian/tyrant by others obsessed by their corporation, lobby, political party... #Idiocracy #Traitors
Read 16 tweets
Dec 22nd 2022
@Eddie_III @archillect No, you just know shit about art, architecture & style.
I don't really like this place, but I know to recognize the respect of proportions, the high "savoir-faire" and the very nice engineering, making this place interesting!

@Eddie_III @archillect No one is forced "to love", but everyone with culture, intelligence & intellect (often, with no major degree...) know recognize "Well-Made" things and then, Talents, Arts, Abilities & Savoir-Faire (from "Tekhne" in ancient Greek) beyond is own very personal preferences...
@Eddie_III @archillect It's about:
"Personal taste" (often from dumb with "major degree" #Idiocracy reciting by heart without understanding) and subjectivity = REAL arrogance
- vs -
Intelligence, understanding & culture, and objectivity = (TRUE) Savoir : "Know Understand/Make".

Read 9 tweets
Dec 6th 2022
@TribelSocial You're not better than Elon musk then!
Stop to participate to the confusionism from your stupid "Political parties" calling "Democrats" while they STEAL the power of THE PEOPLE (Demo Kratos), or "Republicans" while they dream about federalism or Empire, or "king/queen"....
@TribelSocial Republic (Institutions: Political & Social order) guarantee the Democracy (Political regime: Power of THE People)!
#Platon #Pericles

Don't call them by the name of their "Party", it's lie, confusionism!
They just want the same things : All POWERS by/for themselves. #Idiocracy
@TribelSocial Political parties and ALL communitarianisms divide THE PEOPLE .
They are the cancer of the democracy!
Yes of course they pretend to love the Democracy : Your enemy pretend to love you, just to stab you in the back!

 #Kleon did the same thing! #Pericles
Read 6 tweets
Nov 19th 2022
@alainhoupert L'Anglais est donc la langue officielle du "burgundy"...
Et qu'on me parle pas de tourisme ou de langue "internachionaule" (de la #World #Idiocracy #idiocratie).
Et cet élu de la République française (juste pour en profiter) ne voit pas le soucis...

@alainhoupert "En mĂȘme temps", rien Ă  attendre d'un Ă©niĂšme "Ă©lu" se pavanant avec un iphone, merde hors de prix (preuve d'incompĂ©tence, d'inculture et de bĂȘtise)....
@alainhoupert Encore une imposteur de l'Ăšre #Sarkozy osant s'afficher "RĂ©publicain" pour tuer ce qui reste de notre belle RĂ©publique Gaullienne meurtrie par Giscard, Mitterrand, Sarkozy, Hollande, Macron... #ClassePolitique ...
Read 12 tweets
Mar 16th 2022
Lord Frost negotiated and hailed the ‘brilliant deal’ he now says was ‘unfairly imposed on the UK’. It was a British idea. It was admittedly so bad we couldn’t even sell English sausages to Northern Ireland, but they all waved it at us with their flags for weeks on end. Sit down.
This pompous empty hoover bag now says that Putin got the upper hand because Britain ‘capitulated’ to Greta Thunberg, a proposition so utterly ridiculous it could become a Spectator article, and no doubt will. How do these people even dress themselves? #idiocracy
And this unelected non entity would like to lecture you on democracy and national sovereignty, and believes that having negotiated one of the worst deals in global diplomatic history he is now some expert on climate change and energy policy. My postman has more considered views.
Read 4 tweets
Feb 12th 2022
Please enjoy this recently resurfaced video starring the MP that the voters of Beaconsfield chose over Dominic Grieve, and stop asking why this country is done.

Johnson has of course just appointed her as a PPS.

You’re welcome.
#ToryBritain #idiocracy
I really hope Nadine Dorries doesn’t now feel she needs to trump her colleague in some form to keep the PM’s attention. 😬
Yes, of course former B movie actors can be MPs. It’s just that the alternative was Dominic Grieve, who is a serious and knowledgeable person, who cares about things like laws and good governance, that sort of thing. This is the MP who wants a pic of the Queen in every house. đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™‚ïž
Read 4 tweets
Jan 17th 2022
I’ve just watched some of the clips of Nadine Dorries ‘debating’ in Parliament today.

If you’ve put someone like that in charge of your nation’s culture you’ve basically conceded it no longer has one.

Truly pitiful.
#ToryBritain #ToriesOut #JohnsonMustGo #idiocracy
Populism isn’t very popular.
They constantly purport to speak on behalf of the ordinary neglected silent British voter but the vast majority of ordinary neglected silent British voters want to be governed by anyone but the Tory Party. Our voting system is a total farce, a dark comedy of errors. #ToriesOut
Read 4 tweets
Jan 17th 2022
Let's talk cybersecurity.

I seldom jump on the "Luddites vs. Tech" bandwagon because I wish to remain focused on alleviating #hysteria. This is why I only railed for things e.g. #heuristics: it slashed the fearmongering.

Here, though, we see a...

...human conflict dating back to when Paul wrote (dictated?) Romans 8:18-21.

Look, I get it: you want to save lives on the battlefield.

But that's from *your* perspective.

From an enemy's perspective, you want to improve your #KillRatio so you can conquer them...
Military leaders on ALL sides suffer an ages-old problem.

They once preferred bows & arrows over guns; then they preferred horse-drawn artillery over tanks; and now they prefer manned aircraft over drones.

"Cyber" to them is a soldier with a laser pointer guiding a JDAM...
Read 8 tweets
Jan 6th 2022
Oh well at least Andrew Rosindell got the topic trending, just not in the way he hoped. #idiocracy
Read 4 tweets
Jan 5th 2022
Good. The gammonati will totally lose it.
The people who are furious that the #Colston4 have been found not guilty are the same people who were delighted that Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty, which tells you all you need to know really. #BlackLivesMatter
Ah, here they come. A special tweet for all those who agree slavery is good. #idiocracy #colston4
Read 4 tweets
Dec 4th 2021
Early indicators about the growth rate of #omicron and its potential to evade immunity are, well, not great frankly. You won’t read this expertise on your local Facebook secret Santa page so have a read of this, from someone who actually knows what he’s talking about. #WearAMask
Overheard at kids’ football this morning, a mum: “I read on Facebook that the media are just exaggerating this omicron thing for headlines, I think it’s fine personally’.

Sometimes I’m very close to the edge of losing my shit with someone. 😬😬😬 #idiocracy #WearAMask #COVID19
I felt like saying, ‘if virologists, epidemiologists and clinical experts all over the world don’t yet know how serious it is or isn’t, how do you?’
Read 3 tweets
Nov 29th 2021
‘Masks are dehumanising’.

Drowned child refugees, not so much.

It’s going to be an exhausting week.
#MondayMood #WearAMask #GetVaccinated #covidiots
Just someone who is very angry with the air ambulance service for rudely trying to save someone’s life. Bet they won’t be wearing a mask. #idiocracy
Read 7 tweets
Nov 27th 2021
Lots of people who don’t remotely mind terrified, freezing refugees drowning in the Channel will shortly appear here, incandescent with rage that they may be required to wear a piece of fabric over their nose & mouth for 15 mins when they’re in a shop.
#BrexitBritain #Omnicron
Someone just told me that their ancestors fought for their right not to comply with mask mandates, and now I want the earth to swallow me. đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™‚ïž #covidiots #covidvariant #COVID19
If anyone has lost their crystal meth lab I know who stole it. #covidiots #covidvariant #Omnicron #idiocracy
Read 8 tweets
Nov 26th 2021
It’s 20 years since I had to ask a PR firm to remove Priti Patel from the account of the conservation charity I was running because she was so rude to our junior staff, and I see she is still being uninvited to meetings even now she holds one of the great offices of state.
Since you’re here, please make a donation to the @RNLI
You can also support @JCWI_UK here:
Read 10 tweets
Nov 25th 2021
Unfortunately we have a government whose faux sadness at yesterday's tragedy is trumped by its serious consideration of jet skis, wave machines, and manoeuvres that could result in drowning, a policy so heinous that Border Force wants no part in it.

This isn't civilised policy.
You can’t just wang on about having a ‘returns’ policy, these are human beings not a fucking Amazon delivery. #idiocracy #Refugees #ToryShambles
The ‘all lives matter’ people mean ‘only all white lives matter’ and the many of the comments in this cesspit of toxicity today reveal their true views yet again.
Read 4 tweets
Nov 22nd 2021
Priti Patel’s brilliant scheme to attract the best minds in the world to global Britain is going, well, much as you’d expect.
#idiocracy #BrexitBritain #JohnsonOut #ToriesOut Image
Just Murdoch’s Times. The PM is on his way out. 👀 Image
Good morning from Peppa Pig World, formerly known as Great Britain. #idiocracy #BrexitBritain Image
Read 4 tweets
Nov 22nd 2021
Quite impressive how less than a decade after the 2012 Olympics we've moved from being quite a cool country that paraded its diversity, talent & public services before the world to having a PM who tells the UN about Kermit the Frog & lectures business leaders on Peppa Pig World.
Well, this is exactly what happens when you put a lazy, undisciplined, unprincipled journalist in charge of a G7 country isn’t it.
Top story. They’re waking up at last. #PeppaPig #JohnsonOut
Read 5 tweets
Nov 18th 2021
Easiest deal in history, overseas aid 0.7% of GDP, 40 new hospitals, Northern Powerhouse Rail, HS2âžĄïžLeeds, no tax rises, pensions triple lock, 350 million/week to NHS, boost for 🇬🇧 fishing, Erasmus scheme safe, EU citizens secure, no Irish Sea border.

All promised.

All broken.
Feel free to add others, they won’t all fit in 240 characters. #ToryBritain
And in many ways the most accidentally hilarious broken promise of all. #TorySewageParty #ToryShambles #idiocracy
Read 6 tweets
Nov 1st 2021
So far the PM has made a speech about James Bond, done a car crash interview about cutting tax on domestic flights and new coal, fallen asleep, and announced he’s flying back to London tomorrow.

Planet saved.
#COP26  #COP26Glasgow #ClimateEmergency
Odd that a PM who took back control of all national legislation by leaving the EU can’t change the National Planning Policy Framework by law and ban all new U.K. coal, with his big majority isn’t it. Well it isn’t at all odd, because he can.#COP26Glasgow #cop26 #ClimateEmergency
Since you’re here, @robertsbridge is on the look out for an exceptional graduate to build their #sustainability career with us. Please see our @LinkedInUK page for more, as well as a new Senior Consultant role. Feel free to @me if you would like to.
#COP26 #ClimateAction #hiring
Read 7 tweets
Oct 27th 2021
Here’s the core of it. The question no one will face when they are prattling on about protests. “Do you know what a 2 degree temperature rise looks like and what it means for your children?”

He has no idea, and isn’t interested. The problem in a nutshell.
It’s such a problem this. People really have no idea of what is coming with the #ClimateCrisis, and sort of numbly switch off to it. When it really explodes (it’s already started), they will all say there wasn’t enough warning and more should have been done. đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™‚ïž #ClimateEmergency
Someone just told me they've been waiting for climate change since they were 15 (which I assume was about 40 years ago) and nothing's changed in that time. I block all climate science deniers instantly, there is no time to waste on that shit.
Read 18 tweets

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