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Sep 25th 2020

Reading first few chapters of @tomburgis new book #Kleptopia (very good so far!)

On the story arc, Och-Ziff Hedge Fund mentioned & their bribery for contracts/mines/elections in Africa.

Saw some interesting connections to #FinCENFiles current story...

#PoliticsAndMoney ImageImage

Ziff brothers are the favourite financial bogey men of Putin/Kremlin.

#OchZiff referenced in 2016 #TrumpTower meeting challenging #Magninsky act championed by #Browder

Effectively Kremlin saying "Listen Don Junior, here's the dirt on Clinton for your Dad to use...(cont)" Image

"Hillary is funded by Ziff Bro's / Browder & they are the real crooks! They illegally bought shares in Gazprom as foreigners, failed to pay tax due in Russia & used elaborate offshore schemes to 'loot Russian assets'"

They then counter the $230m tax fraud #Magninsky story... Image
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