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Feb 10th 2019
#SundayThoughts today’s sermon at #StAndrews #Guluddene - my village church, with 1 service at 10am to 12noon, non-resident pastor (we are working on building a residence in 2019)

#Okuwagala - loosely translated to #Love in English but that is just a small aspect & perspective
#okwagala is seeing the positive and the best in people and circumstances …

The story used is of #Joseph son of #Jacob. His father loved him so much more than his brothers, leading to “natural” ill feelings towards him
Lesson 1: Show love to your children equally and try not to show favoritism

His brothers wanted to kill him, but Reuben (in a moment of love) asked then to just put him in a hole, with plans to taking him back home later but did not follow up so he was sold into slavery
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