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Aug 6th 2020
Conversation between @FairfaxNAACP, @FCPSSupt, & FCPS Leadership Team was essential this evening. It was a brave convo. We must have brave convos to move forward. And moving our children forward is what we’re here for. #RaiseEveryVoice #Connected #OneSchool #OneCommunity #OneGoal
Some take-aways to remain vigilant- ensure ALL Cardinals FEEL welcome, seen, honored, and supported; encourage open communication (including brave conversations); continue to seek out and find students in need during this ongoing crisis
Hold onto them, ALL the children, hold them tight to the CPES ship amidst this never-ending storm we’re navigating. We will. Our staff is ready. Our pyramid is ready. We are in this #together.
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Mar 2nd 2020
Today’s “What’s Next” Fair in @CPES6thGrade was a huge success! Each student incorporated Portrait of a Graduate traits to share future goals and paths that would lead them there as graduates. #OneGoal @FCPSRegion1 1/7 Image
This student will be among the stars. #WhatsNext @CPES6thGrade 2/7 Image
In a stunning turn of events, this diehard UVA fan discovered he will have better chances for his career as a UGA Bulldog! #WhatsNext @CPES6thGrade 3/7 Image
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Sep 28th 2019
Continuing the theme of the fortnight #Onegoal

Most O D neg blood goes to O D neg patients, but 16% is used in emergencies. Hopefully the #haemSpRs know that in this setting it is recommended only be used for people of childbearing potential, and until the blood group is known
In an emergency, group specific blood can usually be available 15-20 minutes following receipt of the (2nd) sample – depending on local SOPs. Fully cross matched blood should be available within 30-45 mins (providing the antibody screen is negative).
If the antibody screen is positive, group specific can still be issued pending antibody ID; O D neg is no safer in this scenario. Risks of transfusing need to be weighed against risks of not.
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Sep 23rd 2019
#Onegoal Q2 of the day... who has the highest priority to receive D neg red cells? (apologies for shorthand!)
...aaand we have a correct answer! Yes, patients who already have alloimmune anti-D are the highest priority to receive D neg red cells. This includes neonates with passive anti-D from mum #blooducation
D neg children and those with unknown blood groups (M and F) should receive D neg blood, but a known D pos child can receive D pos red cells
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Sep 23rd 2019
For the next 2 weeks @PBM_NHS are focussing on O D neg. I’ve got a few #tweetorials up my sleeve; but why is O D neg so important? Can I convince you to make focussing on saving this #preciousblood your #Onegoal for the fortnight? #blooducation
@PBM_NHS Overall red cell issues are falling but O D neg use is static/rising due to increased survival of trauma patients to hospital and increased complexity of transplantation – this is a good thing! But as a %, O D neg use is going up. Image
@PBM_NHS O D neg people comprise 7% of both patient and donor population; O D neg patients need O D neg blood, and other key patient groups too (more on that later), so we are always needing to ask more of our O neg donors than others.
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