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Jun 1st 2020
Tomasz P. Malinowski #NJ07 is an American politician and diplomat who is the U.S. Representative for New Jersey's 7th congressional district. A Democrat, he previously served as Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor in the Obama administration. Image
From 2001 to 2013, Tom Malinowski #NJ07 was a lobbyist for Human Rights Watch. In this position, he advocated for the closure of the Guantanamo Bay detention camp. FOLLOW>>@Malinowski #Election2020 #NJ07 #OurHouse #DemFuture Image
Tom Malinowski #NJ07 was praised in 2014 by leaders from both parties for his defense of human rights and his work toward ending torture.
While working in the State Department, Malinowski spearheaded efforts to assist persecuted religious minorities targeted by ISIS in Iraq. Image
Read 5 tweets
Aug 4th 2019
Here with @MomsDemand @Everytown participants at their #GSU19 conference at an impromptu protest in light of today’s tragic events in TX. #OurHouse…
Our friends from #StudentsDemandAction are leading this group of hundreds of @MomsDemand volunteers from the White House to the capitol building by way of the Trump hotel.

#EndGunViolenceTogether #TheYoungPeopleWillWin #ElPasoStrong #HonorWithAction Image
Texas @MomsDemand leaders are calling @JohnCornyn’s office requesting the Senate hold a vote on #S42.

#BackgroundChecksNow ImageImageImage
Read 3 tweets
Jan 4th 2019
A brief thread and recap of our Whose House? #OurHouse rally to celebrate a #HappyBlueYear for 2019.
First off - thank you @IndivisibleTeam for getting the signs to us on short notice and over the holidays!
Kudos to Jed P and Linda G for organizing this event - getting speakers, arranging logistics, and generally setting the stage so people could show up and speak.
Read 11 tweets

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