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Oct 5th 2022
We had seen WalMart acquiring 77% of Flipkart shares for $16 Billion despite the company suffering losses of $20 Billion FYI 2017-18

Despite having a profit of $2.5 Billion each year, Prosus/PayU withdraws its $4.7 billion deal to acquire India's BillDesk
Industry estimates indicate that BillDesk holds between 25 and 30 percent of the market for online payment aggregators

While PayU is the third-largest player in India with a market share of between 10 and 15 percent 2/6
#startupindia #startups #acquisitions
#BillDesk:Government as well as the Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance (BFSI) sectors are strongholds for BillDesk.

While many internet businesses prefer PayU as their preferred payment gateway. 3/6

#startupindia #startups #acquisitions #startupnews
Read 7 tweets
Mar 3rd 2021
#ComingUp: Big newsbreak on @BiIndia, stay tuned.

@SanchDash Image
@SanchDash #EXCLUSIVE: India's largest insurer #LIC is inviting bids from payment aggregators⁠…

By @SanchDash Image
@SanchDash The Life Insurance Corporation of India (#LIC), the country’s largest and over half a century old insurer, has a golden egg for India’s payment gateway operators.
Read 17 tweets

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