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Sep 17th 2021
THREAD: the self organization of the athletic stance.

Lesson: 5 choices of activities to intro athletic stance through inquiry

Closing question: what is our body doing that connects all these activities?

Choose at least 3 of these 5:

1. Earthquake

2. No clue what to call this but look at that athletic stance! 🤣
3. Shoulder pushing
Read 7 tweets
Jul 30th 2020
🧶 HILO | Recopilatorio de publicaciones recientes 👩🏼‍💻 #Sportpedagogy #Youthsport #Tacticallearning #Bteamesp #Gamecentredapproach #Assessment #TGfU
📚 | Barquero-Ruiz, Arias-Estero & Kirk, 2019. Assessment for tactical learning in games: A systematic review - European Physical Education Review.…
#GameanalysisInstruments #tacticallearningassessment #evaluation #Sportpedagogy #Youthsport
💻 | Barquero-Ruiz & Arias-Estero, 2020. Estudio piloto para diseñar un instrumento que permita evaluar el rendimiento táctico en categorías inferiores de fútbol - Rev. Internacional de Deportes Colectivos…
#TacticalAssessment #Tacticallearning #Youthsport Image
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