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Jun 21st 2022
1- Listening to the last live from @redactedcartel, and sorry to say but those guys are BUILDING. After #HIDDENHAND deployment cumulating 1m$ of Bribes, now it's their #PIREX solution that is live. Here is a simplified description of the 3 possible #farming strats:
2.1- Easy Mode: Auto-compounder -> $uCVX
Deposit $CVX, and let your quantity of $CVX increasing. Very interesting for retails with small portfolio to avoid gas fees to collect bribes. This strat is built in partnership with #Union from @0xAlunara
2.2- Standard Mode: Liquid wrapped version of $CVX (either through redemption or on a @CurveFinance liquidity pool) -> $pCVX
@redactedcartel confirms it will maintain Pool's peg, and will allow LPers to earn:
- LP fees + gauge directing $CRV emission
- Bribes Image
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