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May 19th 2023
@truthlovingdr it's b/c the 2parties are actually 1. They are interchangeable and have done this multiple times throughout history. It creates confusion.

Rs aren't going to save us anymore than Ds.

We are ruled by a #CorruptOnePartySystemOfGovernment until we respond as 1 ppl, Image
we will never overcome.

The FACT that "good" doctors fell for the trap of choosing sides and focusing on a one-sided NON-debate with a #CentralAuthority has cost us ALL 3+ years. @RWMaloneMD @RobertKennedyJr @PierreKory @stkirsch @DesmetMattias @DowdEdward may very well be well Image
intended, but to do the same thing over and over AND NOTHING ELSE for 3+ years is the very definition of insanity. It was predicted by AI Predictive Analysis years before 2020. It was an ANTICIPATED BEHAVIOR which is why we are losing. We're foolishly focused on the "Science," Image
Read 26 tweets
May 17th 2023
1. A list exists.
2. Motives exist.
3. Suspicion surrounding #Her and the deceased exist.
4. Deaths are serial in nature, with patterned cause.
5. As with covid, no #PeoplesAuthority to investigate and prosecute the crimes exist.

Each name should be a link to the circumstances.
So this begs the question [IF] even one of these were proven true, whenever anyone gets "too close," how easy is it for someone who sold their soul to the #HiddenHand to simply order a kill. It looks as easy as placing an order at the drive-thru of In-n-Out burgers. The threat
is real for anyone who speaks out. How many people are not on the list but were eliminated just the same.

Just look up the 100 GcMAF doctors who all died under suspicious circumstances for claiming it cured cancer.

And this helps to explain why @PierreKory @RWMaloneMD Image
Read 25 tweets
May 9th 2023
Do you have proof @blair_huxley oh, wait sorry, that's right nevermind there was that time about a week ago he admitted to apologizing for something he did not do or say, "in order to protect his family."

How does that work as president exactly? Do you just stop being afraid for
the safety of your family once you are on the inside. Or is it more likely that some #HIddenHand we'll never see will orchestrate 8 years of obstruction as we saw with Obama, or 4 years of a #UsefulIdiot with Trump or whatever THIS is, with the #CryptKeeper #DementiaJoe? It is as
if they drink the kool-aid of "I alone can fix this," or put me in office and "I promise to build a bridge," TO NOWHERE, because I have to protect my family. @RobertKennedyJr would be literally handcuffing himself and likely be the only person to see his dad's classified
Read 4 tweets
Apr 28th 2023
Wow, I'm 60 and haven't watched ABC since the 1990's. I didn't know just how bad they've gotten. Apparently whoever this person is will say absolutely ANYTHING to earn her #FauciKibble.

I'd love for Bobby's two sisters to respond to this image. 500 lawsuits and look where Image
we are as a result. 40 years, 500 lawsuits and NOTHING for the American people as a whole. How much you wanna bet @RobertKennedyJr is just factored into the cost of doing business anymore. If they win 251 lawsuits then it's free money. If not, MEH, a fractional loss of profit. Image
And round and round we go, full steam ahead. Bobby never once considering that maybe he is an unconsciuos captured particpant who has been indoctrinated to litigate 500 lawsuits over the course of his life so it APPEARS smeone is doing something - when in reality the more things
Read 10 tweets
Aug 21st 2022
1/7 So what are the news about @AuraFinance. I must say i'm quite impressed by the development of the project, so here is a quick summary of the past few weeks 👇👏
2/7 Aura granted the Famous and Unique Llama Airforce for a specific Dashbord to follow bribes. Check this out:…
3/7 Thanks to #hiddenhand @redactedcartel solution deploying on #optimism, L1 vlAURA holders can vote for L2 pools and receive rewarss on L2.
Read 7 tweets
Jun 21st 2022
1- Listening to the last live from @redactedcartel, and sorry to say but those guys are BUILDING. After #HIDDENHAND deployment cumulating 1m$ of Bribes, now it's their #PIREX solution that is live. Here is a simplified description of the 3 possible #farming strats:
2.1- Easy Mode: Auto-compounder -> $uCVX
Deposit $CVX, and let your quantity of $CVX increasing. Very interesting for retails with small portfolio to avoid gas fees to collect bribes. This strat is built in partnership with #Union from @0xAlunara
2.2- Standard Mode: Liquid wrapped version of $CVX (either through redemption or on a @CurveFinance liquidity pool) -> $pCVX
@redactedcartel confirms it will maintain Pool's peg, and will allow LPers to earn:
- LP fees + gauge directing $CRV emission
- Bribes Image
Read 9 tweets
Mar 29th 2022
今天聊一个 (名字) 很酷的项目 #hiddenhand


❓首先 #hiddenhand 是什么?

🔴#hiddenhand 是无需许可的贿赂市场。

#curvewar 相信大家都比较熟悉了
其中有个重要角色 @VotiumProtocol
@VotiumProtocol#curvewar 的贿赂变得更简单
#hiddenhand 可以理解为是 @VotiumProtocol 的通用版本,适用于任何协议。
#hiddenhand 让所有的贿赂变得更简单
Read 13 tweets
Nov 5th 2021
#VaticanoJesuita #Masonería
#KarolWojtyla #JuanPabloII


"...La mujer estaba vestida de Púrpura y Escarlata, adornada de oro, piedras preciosas y perlas"...
Apocalipsis 17:4

- 2a Imagen: Aparte del atuendo #CruzTorcida
#JuanPabloII #AgenteMasón

Durante su Pontificado, fue prácticamente el pionero del #ECUMENISMO: Movimiento que pretende unificar todas las religiones en una sola: UNA RELIGIÓN ÚNICA MUNDIAL...

4a Imagen: EL PAPA BESA EL #CORÁN⁉️⁉️⁉️
#JuanPabloII #AgenteMasón
#JohnPaulII #GiovanniPaoloII

Junto al Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gusto, el mismo al que le encanta hacer el #cornuto:
Read 16 tweets
Apr 2nd 2020
The Rothschild Surrealist Ball of 1972 featured imagery that was meant to look “Satanic”(psyop) but to a more discerning eye, actually is mocking all religion. It features many sick examples of the infamous banking family mocking the rest of humankind #truth #SaturnDeathCult
more, do you see the Saturnian symbolism?
Why are the #Illuminati so obsessed with symbolism? Especially regarding horned gods, black cubes and the planet Saturn? #truth #SaturnDeathCults #NWO #awake #woke
Read 40 tweets

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