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Jan 24th 2020
Our railways are full yet demand for services keeps rising. We need extra capacity. Here’s how #HS2 creates extra capacity where it is most needed, creating opportunity across the country.
HS2 Phase 1 is the UK's only shovel-ready new line. Backed by 10 years of design & development, parliamentary scrutiny, and consultation to get here. No other projects are within 5 years of where it is. Upgrade of existing lines is ‘absurd’ say experts.…
More people are travelling by train. West Midlands rail use rose 121% in 10 years. Manchester's 26%. There are 10 million more WCML passengers than a decade ago. Yet, no railway has been built north of London in over 100 years.
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Read 16 tweets
Jan 20th 2020
#HS2 is shovel-ready. Ready to deliver a new railway which also upgrades 3 major lines. Ready to provide more seats on more trains. Ready to level-up the country by creating jobs and growth all along the route. Find out why other options cannot provide the benefits of HS2.
Alternatives to #HS2 would not deliver enough new capacity, cut journey times or deliver wider economic benefits of HS2. Extensive upgrades have already been made to the West Coast Mainline but incremental upgrades won’t provide the step change needed.
Detailed expert reports looked at potential rail alternatives, including: upgrades to existing lines, alternative modes and conventional high speed. They would cause wide disruption on the network. Here’s how.
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