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Mar 2nd 2020
Justice Department releases more than 600 pages of notes from witnesses during Mueller investigation…
In 2014 through early 2016, Burt served as an unpaid foreign policy advisor for Rand Paul's campaign for president. Beginning in Feb. 2016, he and a colleague represented the five European energy companies investing in Nord Stream II.…
In an April 2019 interview of the Center for the National Interest's Dmitry Simes by Christiane Amanpour, Burt was the top national security adviser to the 2016 Trump campaign.
Read 46 tweets
May 12th 2019
This thread contains images with passages from the Mueller Report. I will add new ones as I create them.

If you want, share them on Facebook, Instagram, print on fliers or t-shirts or postcards.

I want to show America what's in that report.
Read 25 tweets

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