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Jul 19th 2022
Heey everyone! For those who are new to blockchain, I would like to mention a few points.
One of the key features of blockchain is that it is decentralized and anonymous. We believe that the construction of the future will be on the blockchain.
🚀The foundations of the Metaverse will be set up here. But this can cause some problems Blockchain is the technology of the future, but also contains many thieves. Sometimes thieves come across in many different forms. Sometimes it becomes a hacker and infects us through a virus
Sometimes it can be the project itself. So please review the basic tutorials carefully before doing any login process.
I will give some suggestions for beginners on blockchain.
Read 9 tweets
Jun 25th 2022
(TR)1- Gelelim hepimizin en sevdiği konuya OYUN OYNAMAK ve oynarken bundan para kazanmak. Daha iyisi olamaz değil mi? İşte burada tanışmamız gereken tanım P2E yani Play to Earn Türkçe söylemek gerekirse Oyna – Kazan gelelim bu nedir?
#RichieLand #P2E Image
2- Aslında oyunlardan para kazanma sistemi yeni bir şey değil bir çok oyunda turnuvalardan, legal olmayan birkaç yoldan örneğin; elo boost, oyun içi item satışları ya da legal olarak Steam gibi platformlarda çıkan skinleri satarak gelir edilebiliyordu.
3- P2E oyunlar NFT ile iç içedir. Nasıl ki CS-GO gibi oyunlarda skinler varsa bunların blockchaine yazılmış hali NFT lerdir. Oyunların kazanç sistemi olarak, bu NFT'ler trade edilir ya da NFT'lerle oynanması halinde kazanılan coinler ana coinlere dönüştürülerek para kazanılır.
Read 14 tweets
Jun 25th 2022
(EN)1-Let's come to our favorite subject PLAYING GAMES and making money while playing. It couldn't be better, could it? Here is the definition we need to meet, P2E, that is Play to Earn.
#RichieLand #P2E Image
2-In fact, the system of making money from games is not a new thing, in many games from tournaments, in a few illegal ways, for example; Elo boost, selling in-game items or legally selling skins on platforms such as Steam could be earned income.
3-P2E games are intertwined with NFT. Just as there are skins in games like CS-GO, they are written on the blockchain as NFTs. As the earnings system of the games, these NFTs are traded or, in case of playing with NFTs, the coins earned are converted into main coins to earn money
Read 14 tweets

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