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Aug 3rd 2018

Collusion is worse than a crime.
To debate whether Trump acted criminally is to miss the greater point: He’s a national security threat

“It’s a crime for a US presidential campaign knowingly to receive or even solicit anything of value from any foreign entity.”

“It’s a crime for anyone, camp’n or not, to knowingly receive stolen data.”

“receiving stolen data triggers a complex nexus of crimes, both state & fed.”

DonJr, Kush, Manafort & other top 45 aides met with Veselnitskaya RIS spy offering damaging info re HRC.


“CrossfireHurricane began with SIGINT supplied by NSA & allied intelligence services. This happened BEFORE any drunken boasting was tipped off to FBI. Some of this intelligence included suspicious money movements into US political campaigns...”
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