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Most recents (2)

Jan 6th 2021
Steve Scalise, Seditionist-in-Chief.
He’s against people bullying the Secretary of State.

The treason weasels are applauding him.
Read 65 tweets
May 22nd 2019
I am sharpening the knives before tackling my very favorite villain of all, Paul John Manafort, former Trump campaign manager, former Yanukovych campaign manager, and current inmate at a Pennsylvania prison.
My currently open windows of indictments range from A to U: Assange Butina Cohen Concord Corsi Deripaska Epstein Firtash Gates Internet-research-agency Kilimnik Khusyznova Manafort NRA Papadapolous Patten Stone Trump Unknown-defendant.
Like Arya, I like lists.
Eff me, always with the legion typos, which in this case involves me not even being able to read my own handwriting.
It’s KHUSYANOVA not KhusyZnova.
Read 68 tweets

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