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Ihr habt mit Sicherheit schon mitbekommen. Putin hat jetzt offiziell anerkannt, dass 🇷🇺🗑️Invasoren 2014 in die Ukraine einmarschiert sind.
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Russischer „Söldner“ erhält staatliche
staatliche Auszeichnung von Putin für Kampf im Donbas

Halya Coynash

Einer von 26 Panzerfahrern der sogenannten privaten Militärfirma Wagner (PMC) wurde 2014 mit einer russischen Staatsauszeichnung "Für Tapferkeit" geehrt. In Russland ist es illegal, ein Söldner zu
sein, aber das ist nur einer von vielen Gründen, um Moskaus Behauptung zu widerlegen, es habe nichts mit der Wagner PMC zu tun, die sowohl in der Ukraine als auch in Syrien eingesetzt wurde. Einer von 26 Panzerfahrern der sogenannten Wagner Private Military Company [PMC] wurde
Read 35 tweets
On Apr 2, 2022, the Ministry of Defense announced that the 🇺🇦 military liberated the whole #Kyiv region from the 🇷🇺. Then the last 🇷🇺 units left #Bucha, #Hostomel and #Borodyanka. A few days earlier, the 🇺🇦Armed Forces liberated Irpin. #RussianWarCrimes 📸AFP 2022
Today is the anniversary of the liberation of the #Kyiv region. The date when the whole world saw the truth about the Russian occupation. #RussiaisATerroistState #RussiaWarCrimes
A year ago this day, #Russia suffered an unexpected defeat since February 24, 2022, as #Russia planned to conquer Ukraine in "three days". #RussiaInvadedUkraine
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🧵9464+hrs,since fullscale war was started by #russia'n attack & 3314 days since #russiaInvadedUkraine
putin announces giving "tactical" nukes (the delivery method is "tactical, not the nuke, moron) to Belarus, obvious escalation, direct terror threat against Baltics & Poland->
not like it's some news - it's been clear before, been hinted at before, it was obvious that russians will escalate, they have no other option, they always escalate, empty-brained "experts" don't realize that it's been continuous escalation sicne 1990s and fall of soviets->
Inretersting part is that putin makes nuclear threats right after Xi's visit (they "signed a document" against spreading nukes - typical communist/narcissist style of lying & gaslighting, apparently illogical but w/ pragmatic terror intention). Axis of evil, terror against world.
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During Xi's visit to $moscow, not a single contract was signed, such as the "Power of Siberia 2" that putin dreamed of. In addition, the agreement on economic cooperation between #russia and #China does not contain any accusations against the West.👇
#Stoprussia #UkrainerussiaWar
👆It is important to note putin didn't even dare to recite the point about geopolitical realities, which, according to russia, should have been taken into account in #China's peace plan. During his three-day visit to moscow, #Xi met separately with #Mishustin and Zyuganov, 👇
👆which may indicate that Xi is choosing putin's successor. After all, when Xi issued a ticket for putin to rule, he not only supported him, but showed the whole world that it is China that appoints the ruler of russia.👇
#putinWarCriminal #russiaInvadedUkraine
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⚡⚡⚡🇺🇦💪The pushing back of the Wagnerites from the road to #Bakhmut by the fighters of the Da Vinci Wolves battalion assault group

#Ukraine #RussiaInvadedUkraine #UkraineRussiaWar
The pushing back of the Wagnerites from the road to Bakhmut by the fighters of the Da Vinci Wolves battalion assault group
The pushing back of the Wagnerites from the road to Bakhmut by the fighters of the Da Vinci Wolves battalion assault group

#Ukraine #RussiaInvadedUkraine #UkraineRussiaWar #Kyiv #Russia #UkraineFrontLines
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В ходе визита Си в москву не было подписано ни одного контракта, такого как "Сила Сибири 2", о котором путин мечтал. Кроме того, соглашение об экономическом сотрудничестве россии и Китая не содержит никаких обвинений в сторону Запада. 👇
#China #russiaInvadedUkraine
👆Важно отметить, что пункт про геополитические реалии, который по версии россии должен был учитываться в мирном плане Китая, #путин даже не осмелился произнести вслух. За три дня визита в москву, Си встретился отдельно с мишустиным и зюгановым, что может указывать на то, 👇
👆что Си выбирает приемника путина. Ведь когда Си выдал ярлык на правление путину, он не просто поддержал его, а показал всему миру, что именно #Китай назначает правителя россии.
Китай не будет продолжать проигрывать в экономическом плане👇
#russiaIsLosing #PutinXi
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Tony #Capuozzo:"in Ucraina c'è una guerra civile dal 2014..."
NO CARO IGNORANTONE, in Ucraina dal 2014 ci sono soldati e armi russe. come verificato da #ONU e tante altre ONG nonchè da giornalisti VERI, mica dei morti de sonno come te 🤣 #RussiaInvadedUkraine #TG4
ecco qua che diceva ONU in uno solo dei suoi report e Amnesty, ARMI E SOLDATI
Ed ecco la storia di un russo entrato in Ucraina a Kharkiv nel 2014 a fomentare le sommosse, il povero #Capuozzo preferisce pendere dalle parole degli amici Rangeloni e Bianchi come un boccalone qualsiasi 🤣🤣
mi chiedo davvero che lo intervitino a fare...
Read 14 tweets
‼️ 🧵 [1/4] Bakhmut situation: Looks like for the last several days ZSU is polling back forces from the city, and at the same time they are gathering mechanized units north of Khromove.

#UkraineWar #Ukrainian #Ukraine️ #RussiaisATerroistState #RussiaInvadedUkraine #Bakhmut
🧵 [2/4] Near Khromove, they will have a lot better positions since they will be located on hills, where the Russians have to go through muddy terrains below.
🧵 [3/4] It is also possible that ZSU already blew up a bridge going out of Bakhmut on the west according to @RuslanLeviev. Looks like main forces are already out of the city.
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#BREAKING ‼️ Official statement from FSB about the border district of Klimovsk in the Bryansk region. #UkraineWar #Ukrainian #Ukraine️ #RussiaisATerroistState #RussiaIsCollapsing #RussiaInvadedUkraine
FSB and accompanying forces of the Russian Ministry of Defense are taking actions aimed at eliminating armed Ukrainian nationalists who have violated the state border.
Deputy Chairman of the Russian State Duma, Delyagin:

The only normal reaction to taking hostages in the Bryansk region is the immediate elimination of @ZelenskyyUa and Zaluzhny (who had announced almost a year ago missile attacks on Ukraine's decision-making centers).
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Le 24 Février 2022, l'#Ukraine️🇺🇦était elle prête à subir l'invasion?
Dans les cercles de discussions géopolitique j'entend parfois dire que l'Ukraine allait attaquer le Donbass séparatiste, que ses troupes étaient en mode offensive.
Et bien c'est plutôt faux⬇️
Depuis 2014, l'armée Ukrainienne s'est transformée. Les unités qui ont évacuées la Crimée ont pu se reformer.
Et pendant 8 ans, les différentes divisions (50 à 60% de l'armée) se relayait dans le Donbass pour tenir le front séparatiste.
Ainsi, les rotations étaient régulièrement organisés, les unités ont souvent séjournées à Popasna, #Avdiivka , ou Marioupol.
Elles ont aussi créés un vaste réseau de fortifications que j'ai cartographié en bleu:
3/20 On observe une forte concentration dans 3 zonesL'armée Ukrainienne est clairement sur la défensiveSeul lieu ou j'ai mappé les fortifications pro-russes, elle
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🇺🇦 In Dnipro, people burned an effigy of #Putin instead of the ''Maslyana" doll, together with sacks with Z on them to welcome incoming spring!

#UkraineWar #Ukrainian #Ukraine️ #RussiaisATerroistState #RussiaIsCollapsing #RussiaInvadedUkraine
For anyone interested - Maslenitsa is an Eastern Slavic religious and folk holiday that has retained a number of elements of Slavic mythology in its ritual. It is celebrated during the last week before Great Lent.
One of the rituals is to fire up Masletnisa doll to welcome spring.
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1/n Moja pobudka 24.02.2022. 😢 Kolega wysłał mi komunikat, a jeszcze dzień wcześniej przekonywałem go, że #WojnaWUkrainie #RussiaInvadedUkraine się nie wydarzy. Image
2/n Minutę później już wiedziałem, że "Wojna" to wojna jakiej Europa nie widziała od WW2. ImageImage
3/n Myślę, że każdy kto choć trochę znał ukraińską duszę, widział co się działo na Majdanie i w Donbasie przeczuwał, że to nie będzie spacerek dla rosyjskiej armii.
@ZelenskyyUa: "I need ammo, not a ride!"
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Vor 1 Jahr begann Putin seinen Angriffskrieg, überfielen russische Truppen die Ukraine, mordeten + vergewaltigten sie. Wir müssen die Ukraine weiter unterstützen. Du kannst keinen Frieden mit jemanden schließen, der dich töten will #Friedensschwurbler #WeStandWithUkraine #PIRATEN ! Bild Hintergrund: Ukrainische Flagge, Vordergrund schwarz-
Am 24.02.2022 begann Putin die #Invasion in die Ukraine.
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Heute ist es soweit: @ClaudMajor @jana_puglierin @LjudmylaMelnyk und ich machen uns auf nach #Hamburg. Dort treffen wir @CarloMasala1 @EFDavies @joerglau @DIEZEIT im Hamuburger Schauspielhau und sprechen über Krieg und Sprache im Krieg.…
Aus unseren Hassmail-Sammlungen lesen die Schauspieler:innen Lina Beckmann, Josefine Israel, Matti Krause.

Was für eine Ehre! Vielen, vielen Dank!

Erlös und weitere Spenden gehen an "Marsch der Frauen", eine ukrainische NGO, die Frauen und Kinder im Krieg unterstützt.

Dies sind düstere Tage, in denen wir auf ein Jahr #RussiaInvadedUkraine zurückblicken. Aber wir können gemeinsam etwas tun!…
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@ECFRMena & @ECFRAsia cross-over! Me & @a_bachulska wrote a short piece on #China - #GCC relations *seen from both sides.* We thought there was an abundance of partial viewpoints but really scarcity of strategic comprehensive overview. 1/…
The first thing we do is put to rest the once ubiquitous argument that #China-#Gulf relations are only economic. In fact, they are grounded in compatible visions of #multipolarity. A year after #RussiaInvadedUkraine, multipolarity is the real winner! 2/
#Beijing is the 1st #trade partner for the monarchies & invested in key infrastructures, ie acquired 20% of largest #port in #SaudiArabia (Jeddah). But #GCC leaders are also wary of Chinese reliability-ie obstacles to sign #FTA despite #Xi insistence. 3/
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Exactly one year ago today I left #Moscow, the city I had been traveling to, working and living in for so many years, with apocalyptic feelings.

I had spent one week talking to people from the foreign policy community, sociologists, civil society activists, friends.
Until Thursday (17/2) foreign policy experts were absolutely convinced that there would be no war. Remember, Moscow and Western capitals were still discussing the Russian “treaty proposals” on “security guarantees”. (2/17)
German Chancellor #Scholz visited Moscow on Tuesday (15/2) of that week. No, no, no, most colleagues would say, #Putin is using diplomatic pressure (what they meant was: blackmail) to get some concessions out of the US and the “collective West”. (3/17)
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»Gut das du russenhassende Emanze wieder deinen Kriegshetzsenf dazu gibst.«

23.2. Hamburger Schauspielhaus: Sprache + Realität im Netz des Krieges.

@jana_puglierin @CarloMasala1 @joerglau @ClaudMajor @LjudmylaMelnyk @EFDavies @DIEZEIT…
Am Vorabend des Jahrestages wollen wir ein Zeichen gegen #RussiaInvadedUkraine setzen. Wir wollen über die #Ukraine sprechen, über deutsche Politik im Krieg, aber auch über die Brutalisierung des Diskurses bei uns durch #Hatespeech und sexualisierte Attacken.
Wir möchten auf die Situation von Frauen im Krieg aufmerksam machen und ihnen helfen. Deshalb sammeln wir Spenden für "Marsch der Frauen", eine ukrainische NGO, die Frauen und Kindern im Krieg hilft.…
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And some more ....

Hopefully will keep this realistic work ongoing till @_MrPickle is back.

russia must lose!

thread continued ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
The only way russia could possibly win the war is if the US support is gone.
How can you do that?. Easy, amplify and depict Ukraine as a Nazi state, no matter how ridiculous that sound if its
repeated enough it might work. Watch @cryptodrftng with Olena and Olena with dugin Image
The plan is working, watch US support dropping especially among republicans (russia’s favorite demographic to
@cryptodrftng as just one part of the puzzle, would attack any non extremest, ensuring anyone on the fence would
either leave or switch sides. I know hundreds Image
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I will not speculate about the content of #Putin’s speech. Maybe he will announce a plan to end the war, maybe he won’t. Many people in #Russia do hope he will, for a variety of reasons.

But here are the 2 important things: 🧵(1/7)

1. Whatever he says, he will not take back any of the #annexations since March 2014. Reminder: Russia now illegally claims 20% of #Ukraine’s territory its own. His 2020 constitution not only “allows” Putin to remain in the #Kremlin until 2036,
it expressly forbids giving up any part of “Russia’s state territory”. Needless to say, Putin won’t admit to any of the war crimes committed in Ukraine. Reparations are out of the question. So, whatever Putin may or can offer in the conditions he created for himself
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🧵7915+hrs since #Ukrainian Liberation War was started by #russia full-scale attack & 3242 days since #russiaInvadedUkraine
some important good news regardng arms supplies aid for Ukraine, but apparently in light of russian preps for new attacks, hopefully still in time->
ofc, the tank supplies still are an issue as the decision is getting blocked by some partners, while others are reluctant to bear the burden of aiding Ukraine without EU, all despite UK already sending their tanks, will EU vs UK confrontation will cost Ukrainians lives again?->
difficult fights in the east, and russians apparently are preparing or maybe even are already lauching??? further escalation of the aggretion - need to wait for official info anyway, AA in Moscow, seems hilarious but in fact may be an issue for delivering retaliation to russia->
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🧵7889+hrs since #Ukrainian Liberation War was started by #russia full-scale attack & 3241 days since #russiaInvadedUkraine
another terrible day, Brovary, helicopter crashed at the territory of the kingergarten, 14 persons killed, 1 child, internal affairs ministry leadership->
journalists, ppl wounded, gotta wait for the official results of the investigation, but regardless whether it's a russian AA attack from Belarus space, assassination or an accident crash - it wouldn't've happened if russians didnt attack from Belarus->
helis wouldn't have to fly copying terrain, and regardless of the causes - a loss for Ukraine, very difficult consequnces during the war, a victory for russian murderers which will require a reaction. a response to mitigate, especially as russians keep terrorizing Ukraine->
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🧵7601+hrs since #Ukrainian Liberation War was started by #russia full-scale attack & 3229 days since #russiaInvadedUkraine
some distrubing, sad, bad messages from the East, but I guess no official info yet, so nothing to write, but it's been clear that situation is difficult->
Even though that strategically russian attacks in the east are plain genocidal and strategically pointless, rather, just a bloody distraction russians are happy to get rid of low level thugs with, the situation there is still hellish, entire cities destroyed WW1 bloody stagmire->
Other than that - ppl of course happy to see that change in Western approach to armored fighting vehicles supplies, and again probably russian offensive preps are quite dangerous that convinced West to intensify armored support, russian terror encourages russian war->
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🧵7577+hrs since #Ukrainian Liberation War was started by #russia full-scale attack & 3228 days since #russiaInvadedUkraine
war continues more russian war crimes, but also punishment for russians: CAS plane & heli downed today, importantly more GOOD news regarding western AFVs->
Before talking about the most important though - some hypocritic messages about "Chirstmas Truce" from russians -clearly for cheap propaganda effect after, less than a week ago, russians murdered civilians who prepared to celebrate New Year, similarly with Dec 25th attacks->
As discussed in yesterday's post, French decision to provide AFVs to Ukraine was itself a hugely important shift (now, obviously, not w/o coordination with allies) and even somewhat earlier than I'd expect after the French message - NATO armor supplies are unblocked for Ukraine->
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🧵7555+hrs since #Ukrainian Liberation War was started by #russia full-scale attack & 3227 days since #russiaInvadedUkraine
apparently more difficult fights around Bakhmut, also elsewhere in the east & south, more russian warcrimes, more talk of russian preps for new offensive->
Maybe fake, but also Belarus possibly preparing to send their men against Ukraine, or at least aiding russians even more than now, not like Belarus hadn't been waging war against Ukraine together with russian since Feb 24th->
But also some, hopefully good, news about France providing its AMX-10 RC AFS for Ukraine. All armored/combat vehicles are needed for Ukraine to push russians out & in the long run Ukraine cannot rely on Soviet vehicles, ammo and other standards, bc its ammounts are limited->
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