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Jan 22nd 2021
The following is a roundup of #Iran's #HumanRights record in 2020, based on info from human rights groups, activists and state media, tallied by @IranNewsUpdate1.

@antonioguterres @mbachelet @JavaidRehman @amnesty @eu_eeas @StateDept @CommissionerHR…
1. Executions in #Iran:
According to #HumanRights activists, the regime hanged at least 272 inmates in 2020, including 5 juvenile offenders, 8 women, 11 political and civil activists, and prisoners of conscience.
Other executed persons were men between the age of 22 to 81.
In this context:
On the morning of Saturday, April 11, 2020, authorities in Iran hanged political prisoner Mostafa Salimi after 17 years in prison without a day off in Saqez Central Prison.
Read 34 tweets
Dec 13th 2020
How come Twitter blocks my posts exposing Islamic Republic savagery but just yesterday when I got death threats by more than 100 accounts, Twitter did nothing.
After #RuhollahZam was murdered by IRI these accounts issued death threats against me.
How come Twitter blocks my posts exposing Islamic Republic savagery but just yesterday when I got death threats by more than 100 accounts, Twitter did nothing.
After #RuhollahZam was murdered by IRI these accounts issued death threats against me.

How come Twitter blocks my posts exposing Islamic Republic savagery but just yesterday when I got death threats by more than 100 accounts, Twitter did nothing.
After #RuhollahZam was murdered by IRI these accounts issued death threats against me.
Read 11 tweets
Dec 12th 2020

Exclusive video of #RuhollahZam playing with his daughter in a tiny room in a Parisian migrant hostel, sent to me by a documentary maker. Zam wasn't just a statistic

Europe must recall their ambassadors from Iran. Silence means more terrorism, assassinations & abductions
1-Calling EUROPE: Today, the Islamic Republic executed Iranian journalist, #RuhollahZam, who was kidnapped by the Revolutionary Guards from Iraq. The clerical regime kills Iranian dissidents as it takes Western hostages to use as pawns.
2-Kidnapping, arresting, and even executing dual nationals has been the part of the toolkit of the Islamic Republic. Today, more than 20 dual nationals are behind bars. Ahmad-Reza Djalili, Swedish-Iranian doctor, faces death on trumped up charges

Read 9 tweets

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