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Apr 26th 2022
The launch of Rural Partners Network (RPN) last week capped a busy 6+ weeks of action on rural policy, marked by welcome & increased attention to federal support for rural prosperity by a diverse set of policymakers. #RuralMatters #DoRightByRural

Let's review:🧵1/
RPA would create a WH Office of Rural Prosperity to coordinate across federal gov’t, led by a
Chief Rural Advisor. It would also form a Rural Prosperity Council w cabinet heads & mandate the creation of a (sorely needed) #NationalRuralStrategy. 3/…
Read 19 tweets
Feb 4th 2022
my absolute @persondems crew at the Roxboro Chamber of Commerce Banquet tonight! ✨🥺

loved being councilwoman outlaw’s plus one ☝️(and this little photo booth 🥲)

I should add to this and say specifically — rural democrats matter. Don’t forget it y’all.
Also — the Person County Democratic Party is also a member of the chamber of commerce thanks to the very wise and wonderful Tammie Kirkland! Which means we were invited to this + another way of how we’re able to participate in events uptown! I just like saying I’m with Shaina lol
Read 4 tweets
Feb 3rd 2022
Got the best email from the Neighbor-2-Neighbor Rural Organizing Committee in Orange County! While Orange Co. is known for progressive hubs like Chapel Hill + Carboro, there’s more to that county!

I’m excited to join them tomorrow to discuss #rural organizing in red precincts.🧵 ImageImage
Too often, as a party, we write off rural precincts in urban counties. But in 2022 and beyond, we’re fighting for every vote in every precinct across North Carolina. I need #rural democrats to hear, see, and believe that this is possible and a worthwhile fight in our hometowns.
So I’m excited to share Person County’s message and our little story of hope — because for so long our county party didn’t get involved with local races. In 2021, we changed that. And in 2022 — we do it again.
Read 6 tweets
Mar 17th 2021
For the past three months, I’ve worked with @RuralOrganizing on a project conducting exit interviews with #rural organizers from across the country this past cycle to learn what happened. We talked to 70+ organizers and here’s what I learned:…
First, I should note how vital it is we collect data on what happened after an election. Too often, organizers, who are constantly engaging the grassroots, are let go afterwards and their volunteers/connections/experience/ideas go with them...
Campaigns SHOULD care about what organizers have to say. So should the Democratic Party as a whole. For this project, we focused fully on recommendations that can be made to every sector of the political sphere: campaigns, 501c3s, 501c4s, candidates, etc. But I have more to say—
Read 19 tweets

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