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Apr 15th 2023
πŸ”₯ #Russia: In Kazan, there is a fire near the tank training ground πŸ”₯

Russians report that they heard a loud "bang" in the area of the tank training ground, after which a column of smoke rose into the sky.

#RussiaOnFire #RussiaIsCollapsing
More footage from #Russia, #Kazan, where the tank training ground is burning πŸ”₯

#RussiaOnFire #RussiaIsCollapsing
Ahaha 🀣 Here’s what ruZZian propaganda writes:

β€œAccording to available data - this is smoke from smoke screen checkers. Such checkers are used to cover equipment during exercises.” 🀑🀑🀑

#RussianPropaganda #russianfakes ImageImageImage
Read 5 tweets
Feb 18th 2023
#NAFO #NAFOfellas #RussianFakes #FAKE
This 🧡 is about How the MOST WIDELY SHARED image of "ukronazis" is also the MOST FAKE one out there. Courtesy of little Kremlin photoshop-Igor. Image
Imagine you are the biggest πŸ’©hole country in the world and want to invade your more civilized neighbour. Now you are in dire need of a bogus excuse to murder 40M Ukrainians. How about Denazifikation. You got your asses kicked by them last time in 2014. Perfect. Just one problem:
While you have access to a big trove of photos of ubiquitous Wagner & Ruzlan/Rusich Nazis, you find no suitable moderate-resolution images of Ukrainian ones. Also, the war just started. You don't have yet enough genocide lovers spending their free time to create & publish fakes.
Read 18 tweets

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