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Jun 6th 2023
A6 Our research has identified three vital, interconnected ways to support youth civic participation: access and exposure to information, civic support, and a culture that celebrates and facilitates engagement. Some specific ideas: #SaludTues
A6 (cont) Supporting young people to run for public office, especially local offices, can nurture civic health. Young people, especially young people of color, are interested in running, but they need encouragement and resources in order to run. #SaludTues…
A6 (cont) Do you know if teens can serve as poll workers in your community? In most states they can, and we've highlighted the benefits (to youth and communities!) of these effective, powerful, but underutilized programs. #SaludTues…
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Jun 7th 2022
A2 #Latinos are 1.5X as likely to be affected by #ALZ than non-Latino whites. They face inequities that discourage healthcare participation. They’re less likely to receive a timely diagnosis & more likely to experience #racism. #BrainHealthEquity #SaludTues @UsAgainstAlz (1/3)
A2 continued: In addition to barriers in healthcare participation, #Latinos & other people of color face higher risk for #ALZ or related dementia due to due to higher risk of comorbidities, like #diabetes and #hypertension. #BrainHealthEquity #SaludTues @UsAgainstAlz (2/3)
A2 continued: Lastly, social determinants of health #SDOH, like educational attainment, obesity & pollution are disproportionately felt by #Latino communities. We must make an intentional effort to promote #prevention & #BrainHealthEquity for #Latinos #SaludTues @UsAgainstAlz 3/3
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