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Apr 1st 2023
"Marriage Of Opposite Sexes Central To Indian Legal Regime": Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind Opposes Pleas In SC Seeking Recognition For Same-Sex Marriages @padmaaa_shr #Same-SexMarriage #SameSexCouples #SupremeCourt #SupremeCourt2023…
"Concept of marriage is more than just the socio-legal recognition of a union of “any two persons” and that its recognition is on the basis of established societal norms which cannot keep changing on the basis of variable notions based upon newly developed value system".
"We have numerous statutory provisions ensuring marriages between opposite sexes with related consequential legal provisions with various rights related to inheritance, succession, and, tax liabilities stemming from marriage".
Read 5 tweets
Sep 17th 2022
I have A sUrPRISE for You this evening—Stay Tuned … 🎸 🥁 🎤 🎶
Paranoia Is IN BLOOM.

You “Love” what all of you have earned throughout your lives but you will LOVE what is coming even more.
Your blood, sweat & tears put into everything you’ve earned will not be for not— Image
-You will be given back what is rightfully YOURS;
-You will be given back what has been stolen from you;
-You will be given back your soul;
-You will be given back FREE WILL;
-You will be given back your lives;
-You will be given back your FREEDOMs;
-You will LIVE again … ImageImage
GREED has poisoned the Soul of Man, that greed has caused humanity to live with stone hearts—Stone hearts to flesh is what saves the world.
You love what you have earned because you earned it being A slave to A corrupt system that was purposely making it hard for many to truly Image
Read 30 tweets
Jun 16th 2022
"shade me in blue" — a jiminjeong/winrina au.

despite being surrounded by lots of inspirations, hazu can't seem to find the perfect subject for her output; and that's when she caught glimpse of blue hair passing by. ImageImageImageImage
before you get into #sminblue Image
lead characters: 1.1 Image
Read 656 tweets
Nov 9th 2021
More drinking games with ⁦@BookBurton⁩: the myth of breaking the seal.
The set up for the ultimate nephrologist
party game
Then @Jwaitz invents Edward Licorice hands but @LeticiaRolonMD had already played it!
Read 4 tweets
Jun 11th 2021
Communist started regulating Flow of Information, to control Narratives and Public perception,
by exploiting Political hunger of 1 family that allowed them to acquire important Positions in every Institute of India -
Left made strongholds at Education Institutes & committees
they became Prominent Historians & Intellectuals of Indian society,
used Daily Newspapers to influence the Educated class,
& whn TV Media saw boom, using their Political positions, they appointed Leftist Anchors n Journalists in Prime time shows.
While Left Ecosystem
controlled what people consume for knowledge.
Bombay film Industry aka Urduwood controlled what people watch for entertainment
& things people see in cinema also become mainstream,
so dy used ds 2 further strengthen their Anti-Hindu agenda (follow @GemsOfBollywood for more)
Read 8 tweets
Jan 22nd 2021
#Argentina 🇦🇷
Se trata de Exequiel Mercado Zuliani, de 34 años, quien mientras bebía con un amigo en su domicilio del Complejo “La Porteña”, ubicado sobre la calle Martha Salotti al 400, en Puerto Madero, fue al baño y “se ahorcó”. Image
Fuentes policiales aseguraron que el episodio se produjo cuando Zuliani se encontraba acompañado por un amigo, que fue la persona que alertó a los investigadores sobre lo sucedido. La @PrefecturaNaval, por jurisdicción en la zona, se dirigió al lugar y convocó al #Same.
Tomó intervención la fiscalía nacional en lo Criminal y Correccional 48, a cargo de Enrique Rosende, quien solicitó la colaboración de la División Homicidios de la @Policia_ciudad
Read 4 tweets

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