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Apr 8th 2021
The Sepoy Who Started It All.

The 1st War Of Bharatiya Independence was hidden in records as #SepoyMutiny.

If not for #VeerSavarkar, we would've never realised the heroes of those days, their fight against British empire, their sacrifice for our today.

29/3/1857 Image
Mangal Pandey shot down British officers & inspired his entire barrack to rise against the British.

The new cartridge supplied by British required one to use his mouth to open, it was smeared with Cow & Pig fat & was an insult for both Hindus & Muslims.

The British earlier had
given Bible for all sepoys to read which had infuriated Mangal.

He was waiting for an opportunity & the new cartridge gave him one.

On that day in 1857, he voluntarily took up the gun & shot many British officers, most of the other soldiers in his barrack didn't support his
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