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May 27th 2020
Now eye enjoyed an important question addressed at #EAN2020. Good to think about when you are called to ED for #opticneuritis. Let’s think about it together. Let’s focus on #clinicaldiagnosismaking #meded #medstudenttwitter #medtwitter #neurologyresident @WNGtweets @EANeurology
How do you tell if it’s optic neuritis or not? #painless #unilateral #altitudinal -means top half or bottom half of the field - vision loss more likely to be non-arteritic AION. Any other red flags less likely to be optic neuritis?
Now if it’s #painful it’s more likely #opticneuritis - but what sort? Bilateral vision loss and painful, think #MOG. Unilateral severe vision loss more than pain, think #Aquaporin4. MRI orbits show longitudinal extensive optic nerve enhancement in both. So MRI orbits for clues.
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