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Oct 29th 2021
#SCOOP US allies are very concerned that @JoeBiden is considering a landmark shift in nuclear policy that would undermine the #NuclearUmbrella that protects them, as #China rapidly expands its military, including nuclear-capable #hypersonic weapon
France, Germany, UK, Japan, Australia and others have told US they are opposed to "No First Use" and "Sole Purpose" nuclear policies. Some are worried that Biden not aware of their opposition. (Me and @HenryJFoy)
Pissing rain outside, which feels like a perfect excuse for #GunpowderIrishGin. Happy #GinOClock & #Sláinte.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 17th 2020
Let it begin!!!

Corned Beef ✅ ☘️

#StPaddysDay Image
It’s after 245... contract hours are over... so maybe... just maybe time for a pint of the black stuff? Maybe? Idk...
Happy #StPatricksDay y’all! #cheers and #Slainte Image
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