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Most recents (3)

Sep 18th 2022
114.01/ Week one-hundred and fourteen, September 17-23, 2022, thread begins here.

Week 113 below.
114.02/ 12:50am #Slichot are great for my path of repentance because there's nothing like staying up super late on Motzei Shabbas at my age for filling me with regret. That's part of teshuva, right?
114.03/ And so it begins. See you in the 24th of #Tishrei for normal davening. Please God we'll all make it there together. #Slichot
Read 21 tweets
Sep 11th 2022
113.01/ Week one-hundred and thirteen, September 10-16, 2022, thread begins here.

Week 112 (for fun typo reasons mislabeled) below.
113.03/ Incredible.

[Alt-text: (1) the parody account "NYT Pitchbot" wrote a fictitious headline "Charles in Charge" and attributed it to Maureen D*owd on Sept. 8 (2) On Sept 10 D*wd wrote a column with that exact title.]

Read 30 tweets
Aug 29th 2021
59.01/ Week fifty-nine, Aug. 28-Sept. 3, 2021, thread begins here.

Week 58 thread below.
59.02/ Scoring a run on a balk is such sweet victorious humiliation. Like in NFL when a QB gives up a safety by running out the back of the endzone. Thanks Nationals. #LGM
59.03a/ One year without fans in the stands and they forgot how to act right.

The fans can't be abusive, throw objects, hurl slurs. This we know. But we cheer and boo. That's our job. And if players enjoy the cheering they need to fear the booing as well.
Read 46 tweets

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