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A happy #RoshHashana to friends celebrating the Jewish New Year. Here's a 🎞️ from #Cairo #Egypt synagogue ringing in the new year. This year's Rosh Hashanah marks the start of year 5783 in the Hebrew calendar. #ShanaTova to friends everywhere.
#Türkiye's President #Erdogan extends greetings for #RoshHashanah Holiday of Jewish community to "bring peace and welfare to all the Jews, including our Jewish citizens,” a statement said.

There is a special touch to this year's Jewish new year #RoshHashana that coincides with the 2nd anniversary of #AbrahamAccords. Synagogues from #Morocco to #Tunisia #Egypt #Bahrain #UAE #Iran #Turkey #Azerbaijan & other #Muslim nations join the occasion.

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115.01/ Week one-hundred and fifteen, September 24-30, 2022, thread begins here.

Week 114 below.
115.02/ #ShavuaTov everyone & hello to the last day of 5782! I admit that I get a special thrill about skipping "Vayehi Noam" even though doing so implies my upcoming week has many days of isurei melakha. I love yuntif, honest I do, but I am a fan of writing & the internet, too.
Read 23 tweets
114.01/ Week one-hundred and fourteen, September 17-23, 2022, thread begins here.

Week 113 below.
114.02/ 12:50am #Slichot are great for my path of repentance because there's nothing like staying up super late on Motzei Shabbas at my age for filling me with regret. That's part of teshuva, right?
114.03/ And so it begins. See you in the 24th of #Tishrei for normal davening. Please God we'll all make it there together. #Slichot
Read 21 tweets
38/ #ReshetKeshet. From Sept. 5, 2021, a pre-#RoshHashanah thread about asking and giving #forgiveness.

16 Posts.

Starts here:

39/ From March 17, 2022, thread collecting my #Purim thoughts/posts. #ReshetKeshet.

16 Posts.


40/ Three threads about the #JOFA scandal & my recommendations for their path towards teshuva. First, the original and then 2 threads responding to criticism. #ReshetKeshet

part 1) 11 Posts.


Read 7 tweets
58a/ This is part 2 of my thread of threads. Weeks 001 to 0057 is here.

Week 58, Aug. 21-27, 2021, 36 posts:…
58a.2/ It's been so long, that I forgot my methodology. In addition to the thread, I need to post the first Tweet in the thread (especially if the threaders go kaput)

Week 58, Aug. 21-27, 2021, 36 posts:
58b/ From Aug 22, a travelogue of our family's Summer Trip to the Hudson River Valley.

32 Posts.

Starts here:

Read 62 tweets
66.01/ Week sixty-six, Oct. 16-22, 2021, thread begins here.

Week 65 below.
66.02/ The #NFL games have not gone my team's way so far, but we have a Scorigami, and that's ALWAYS good. LAR 38 - 11 NYG
66.03/ I plan to save these pictures of a Talmud class being held in the London Underground during the Blitz to remind myself that I've had it pretty good in my life. Pretty good. (h.t. @DBashIdeas)

Read 39 tweets
65.01/ Week sixty-five, Oct. 9-15, 2021, thread begins here.

Week 64 below.
65.02/ My name was captured by a bot yesterday... so how was your Shabbos?

Note: I have not given an interview about the Mets nor should that be of interest to anybody.
65.03/ Today is the first FootballMas since 2019! The happiest day of the year!

[FootballMas is when there are NFL games on at 9:30 EST, 1:00, 4:00 and 8:00. All day football is fun.]
Read 32 tweets
64.01/ Week sixty-four, Oct. 2-8, 2021, thread begins here.

Week 63 below.
64.02/ I blink & it's October which means 80% of people I follow change their names to something spooooky. That's when I need to put my anthropologist hat on because I just don't understand the whole macabre thing. Gimme Purim's clowns, puns and defeat - not embrace - of horror.
64.03/ For the #ALWildCard, like all red-blooded Americans, I'm rooting for a 4-way tie. This requires the Red Sox & Yankees lose and the Mariners & Blue Jays to win. Why? Uh... love of the game?
Read 31 tweets
1/ My son, new freshman at his high school, got the cover article in the weekly Torah journal, which was an awesome piece of nachas over #RoshHashanah

A few comments I feel I should make (and download available at this BE"H static link):…
2/ I did not help him directly in any way. Despite my eager offer to discuss and/or proofread, he successfully shielded himself from my relentless, avid desire to help him with a D'var Torah.

I say this because (1) it's a really good piece & (2) all the language is his.
3/ However, as a gift to me, he did say that he learned "tautological" from our many conversations (yes!) and from my meta-perspective, I see he followed the advice I give to all my homiletics students based on my decades of speeches, articles, classes & other media.
Read 9 tweets
Every #RoshHashanah I reflect on this one prayer: Avinu Malekeinu. This prayer creates a strong juxtaposition: we provide to G-d deep reflection & merciful prayer for ourselves while, at the same time, demanding of G-d action for injustice others suffered at no fault of their own
It is easy for us to reflect inward on our own faults, sins, things we wish we had done, and seek mercy for those trespasses. But what can we say about our neighbors, the innocent, who suffer from pestilence, war, famine, captivity, destruction, iniquity, religious persecution?
For those neighbors, whether they live down the block, or around the world, we demand action from Avinu Malkeinu. But, these two concepts merge, as my rabbi once told me: if we treat our neighbors as we would treat ourselves, then we would not need mercy & the hungry would be fed
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Ich sende der jĂĽdischen Gemeinschaft in Wien meine besten WĂĽnsche zum Neujahrfest Rosch ha-Schana. Schana tova! #RoshHashanah /1 @DeutschOskar
Es ist bereits das 2. JĂĽdische Neujahrsfest, das unter dem Eindruck der Pandemie stattfindet. Noch ist Corona nicht ĂĽberstanden, aber ein wichtiger Schritt dorthin ist die #Impfung - sie ist nach wie vor der beste Schutz fĂĽr uns alle.
Zu #Corona gehören aber auch antisemitische Verschwörungsmythen und der damit einhergehende Antisemitismus, wie erst jüngst ein Bericht der @AMeldestelle bescheinigt. Mich macht es zornig, dass judenfeindliche Hetze sich so offen zeigt – /3
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1/ #ReshetKeshet
Before #RoshHashanah there's a common practice to utter a blanket request for forgiveness. E.g. "To everyone I know or encountered please forgive me. OK bye!"

You're correct in thinking that this depersonalized superficial "apology" is hollow & thus ineffective.
2/ How can I forgive someone if they don't know what they did to me? Doesn't admit real guilt, express regret, detail how they will work towards restitution, or describe how they will fix their mentality/behavior to avoid hurting me in the future.
3/ However, #RoshHashanah is a dangerous time of year. Tradition understands the stakes are the highest possible. It's an annual review before the King of Kings, arbiter of justice, and we treat it like the final exam worth 100% of our grade.
Read 16 tweets
60.01/ Week sixty, Sept. 5-11, 2021, thread begins here.

Week 59 (Aug 28-Sept. 4th, oops, 2021) below
60.02/ From last night, mourning the passing of a #Steelers legend and - from what I hear - an all-around good guy, baal-chesed, #TunchIlkin
60.03/ It's absolutely crucial to hear what these conservatives think of women: as "host bodies" of a fetus. Women are objects to them. Dehumanization is the first step to the worst atrocities.
Read 41 tweets
59.01/ Week fifty-nine, Aug. 28-Sept. 3, 2021, thread begins here.

Week 58 thread below.
59.02/ Scoring a run on a balk is such sweet victorious humiliation. Like in NFL when a QB gives up a safety by running out the back of the endzone. Thanks Nationals. #LGM
59.03a/ One year without fans in the stands and they forgot how to act right.

The fans can't be abusive, throw objects, hurl slurs. This we know. But we cheer and boo. That's our job. And if players enjoy the cheering they need to fear the booing as well.
Read 46 tweets
10.47b/ Second part of the Week 10 (Reconstruction) Thread - September 20-25, 2020.

Part one is here:
10.47c/ Wednesday [note: I mis-numbered the original thread]
Read 43 tweets
1/ My Torah work is published under the title of #ReshetKeshet which, I don't make the rules, makes my "rabbi name" The Reshet Keshet (e.g. the Chofetz Chaim is Rabbi Yisrael Meir Kagan & he also wrote the Mishnah Berurah he's named after his first)…
2/ In order to embrace hashtag technology, I'll try to label my Torah writing with #ReshetKeshet.

Reshet is Hebrew for 'network' and I use it to reference interconnectedness.…

Keshet means 'rainbow' and that's for diversity…
3/ Diversity in interpretation, in thought, and of course in inclusion. Rav Shimshon Raphael Hirsch explains that the rainbow after the Flood symbolizes the totality of humanity, see my rebbe Rabbi Riskin for more on this:…
Read 37 tweets
1/ Some thoughts about the devastating loss of #JusticeGinsburg.

I have no idea how this will "play politically," which is good, b/c it allows me to concentrate on #RBG as a person & her legacy.
2/ #RuthBaderGinsburg is like Brandeis & Thurgood Marshall - one of the best legal minds to be put on the bench. It's how it's supposed to be done.

Her life's work made America a more equal and thus a better place.
3/ What she stood for is the exact opposite of what our country is suffering from under the fascist GOP, so her loss right before #RoshHashanah was an overwhelming message from Heaven.

The death of a justice, the death of Justice, before the day of judgement?! Come. On.
Read 32 tweets
1/ From Rabbi Emily Segal - "there is a Jewish tradition that those who die just before Rosh Hashanah are extraordinarily righteous & truly precious to God. We are taught that each Rosh Hashanah it is written who will live and who will die in the year to come... @caffeinatedrav
2/ "So last Rosh Hashanah, it was determined that RBG would die before this next year came to be...God did not want to let this precious, righteous person go... " #RIPRBG #RoshHashanah @caffeinatedrav
3/ "God wanted to cling on to every second of having this person on earth. But, God is God... and God knows that this person's name is not written in the Book of Life for the year to come...So God waits until the very last possible moment of the year... @caffeinatedrav
Read 5 tweets
⚡️EXTRA! Fallece Ruth Bader Ginsburg a los 87 años.

La juez de la Suprema Corte de Estados Unidos era una leyenda e Ă­cono viviente de la lucha por los derechos civiles y el empoderamiento femenino.

El presidente de la Corte dice que se va una "jurista de estatura histĂłrica". Image
Hace unos días dictó a su nieta un declaración en la que decía que su deseo más ferviente era no ser sustituida hasta que hubiera un nuevo presidente.

Pero Trump está apenas a tiempo de nominar un reemplazo e intentar aprobación con los senadores republicanos de su lado...
Read 22 tweets
This evening marks the beginning of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, when we take a moment to reflect on the past year and look forward to the year ahead. 1/
This has been an incredibly trying year — full of threats to our safety, health, natural and manmade disasters, economic insecurity, and systemic injustice. My hope is that the coming year brings us joy and peace, as well as much needed progress. 2/
I grew up in a Jewish household where I was taught the concept of tikkun olam — repairing the world. I learned that each of us has a personal responsibility to make the world a better place, and that we all have a role to play in the achievement of social justice. 3/
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This just in from my mom. Image
Getting ready for a socially distanced #RoshHashanah with my mom. Image
But I still haven’t called the dentist.
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1/ There's a powerful symmetry b/w how I feel about Nov's election & how I generally feel about #RoshHashanah

Ya see, I really think Biden will win & consequently that we'll save America & likely the world (not an exaggeration). But I'm so worried that I can't feel confident.
2/ Am I doing enough to save the country? Are my neighbors - the ones in the same boat, in the metaphor of Yonah made literal with a plague - doing enough.

Feeling too confident about Nov. right now, for me & multiplied across the nation's resistors, will lead to doom
3/ I carry the year's confidence at the start of Elul about my habits & thoughts, that I'm doing my best. Elul's progress is meant to shake me from complacency. The daily shofar is to wake me up. Ironically, this year's lack of shofar did that even more; b/c of why it's missing.
Read 13 tweets

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