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Mar 17th 2023
NEXT UP, #6 seed WILDCAT (Felis silvestris silvestris) vs. #11 seed HIGHLAND STREAKED TENREC (Hemicentetes nigriceps) #2023MMM Colored photo of wildcat, standing on all fours with its heaColored photo of tenrec, sitting among moss. Long rostrum is
Tenrecs are small mammals endemic to Madagascar that range greatly in shape & size - some look like hedgehogs, others like shrews, others still like opossums or rodents #2023MMM Tenrec range map by IUCN red list. Tenrecs range is a narrow
Highland Streaked Tenrec is #TinyButMighty: it weighs 160g (3/4 of a stoat), is covered with a mix of hairs & spines, and has 3 distinctive white stripes along its back #StoatsAsMeasurement #2023MMM Colored photo of tenrec, sitting among moss. Long rostrum is
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Mar 12th 2020
NEXT UP: #4 African Civet (Civettictis civetta) vs. #13 Kinkajou (Potos flavus) #2020MMM (And @PKurnath was a co-author of this battle!!! #Props #TeamAwesome #MyFirstBattle)
Kinkajous are brown, #Dogsish caniforms related to raccoons.They are uniquely adapted to living in trees: grasping with nimble fingers, reversible hindfeet & a prehensile tail from which they can hang upsidedown! #2020MMM #TeamDogsish
In fact, because of these traits, mammalogists originally classified kinkajous as lemurs! (They do converge with primates in their adaptations for living in trees and eating fruit!) #2020MMM #openaccess…
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Mar 10th 2020
TONIGHT THE WILDCARD: Grandidier's "Mongoose" (Galidictis grandidieri) versus the Pygmy Spotted Skunk (Spilogale pygmaea)! #2020MMM
Galidictis grandidieri was recently better-recognized as a vontsira than a mongoose, but since we <3 our players, we wanted to make it easier to find research on them, hence the air quotes. #2020MMM [gif is man doing air quotes]
Often called the GIANT-striped mongoose, this black & light brown-to-cream striped Feliform typically weighs between 500-590g (an average of 2.5 stoats) #StoatsAsMeasurement #TeamCatsish #2020MMM
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